UTMB Faculty Senate
April 10, 2023
- Faculty Senate Meeting - Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Chris Messenger, Chair at 4:30 pm.
- Attendance "Roll Call" & Establishing Quorum, confirming a senator is present to represent each school.
- SHP - Karthik Mani
- JSSOM - Cristiana Rastellini
- GSBS - Ramkumar Menon
- SON - Shatoni King
- SPPH - Sharon Petronella
- Agenda Adoption
- No objections, the agenda is adopted. Motion to approve H. Nguyen and seconded D. Collins
- Announcements:
- Take a moment to review April IHOP policies.
- JSSOM graduation, June 3rd. Real push to try and get faculty to attend and participate. If you do not have department support or faculty development funds, please send M. Syed an e-mail and she will forward to the someone who can assist with reimbursement.
- Dr. Cara Geary will be the guest speaker for May 2023, discuss process she is making with her initiatives.
2. Officer, Board, and Standing Committee Reports:
- Unfinished Business & General Orders: - No unfinished business from last meeting.
- Executive Meeting Report: Messenger, Pine, Rossi met with Dr. Mouton and Jones and inquired on the food service after hours and weekends on behalf of the Clinical Committee. Dr. Mouton responded, “needs more details and that’s Steven LeBlanc and Tim Harlin question.” Dr. Mouton also didn’t think it was a good idea to reach out to him directly. Dr. Messenger recommends Faculty Senate get quorum and motion to create an outline to send a resolution letter to Leblanc and Harlin regarding issues with vending machines (better options), cafeteria hours, etc. for Faculty, Residents, Interns, and patients. Dr. Messenger also brought up the issue of scribes and it was articulated that the new scribe company is here and currently populating, but having difficulty getting new scribes in. Dr. Pine inquired who gets scribes and how are they allocated it was mentioned it was departmental level decision.
- Faculty Advisory Council: is getting together at the end of the month - each school is given about 5 minutes to speak, so if there is anything you would like to brag about, please e-mail C. Messenger.
- Standing Committee Reports:
- Education Committee: No business/discussion took place.
- University Committee: No business/discussion took place.
- Research: Working on the teaching grants to be considered for tenure and promotion. After talking to Dr. Mouton, the research team had a vote and discussion to also include productivity count (supervising Post Doctors or residents, that it should count towards your productivity.)
- Clinical: No, new business. Waiting to hear back regarding food, since you (Messenger) addressed the scribes.
- New Business:
- Education Team: Mentorship Program for Students, Residents and Faculty for prevention of burnout . Motion by L. Villarreal & 2nd J. McKee
- Send to GME regarding residents
- Time will be voluntary
Motion to adjourn meting 5:30PM - L. Villarreal & 2nd D. Riddle.