UTMB Faculty Senate FY2023 Minutes June 12, 2023 UTMB Faculty SenateJune 12, 2023Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting - Call to OrderThe Meeting was called to order by Dr. Chris Messenger at 4:30 pm. Attendance “Roll Call” & Establishing Quorum, confirming a senator is present to represent each school.Dr. Claudia Hilton– SHPDr. Kelly Carmichael– JSSOMDr. Huey-Ming Tzeng– GSBSDr. Jacquelyn Svoboda- SONDr. Brian Downer- SPPHAgenda AdoptionPrior Meeting MinutesApproved and uploaded to the website Rawan Harirah presents IHOP Policy #020703 on behalf of Jamie SpencerSummary: This IHOP policy is purely an Academic Enterprise Policy governed by Dr. Urban. The goal of the policy is transparency and fairness, IHOP policies are reviewed and re-published every 3 years and thus it is time for this policy to be reviewed. Notable Revisions for the Policy:Space Benchmark- Current: $317 per sf. New proposed: amount is $352 per sf.Lab Close-Out- Current: 120 days. New proposed: 60 days.Department Reviews- Current: Every 5 years. New proposed: Every 6 years.Scope of the policy- Current: Wet Labs. New Proposed: Wet & Dry LabsVerbiage Changes- Current: Utilization Efficiency. New Proposed: Productivity, to be consistent with AAMC verbiage and wording.Verbiage Change-Current: Sponsorship. New Proposed: Extramural Funding, to avoid internal confusion.Mr. Jamie Spencer was unable to be present for this meeting and in turn the senator’s questions could not be answered. The senators were advised to email Mr. Spencer directly with their questions.Mr. Jason Botkin presents information on food options for cliniciansMr. Botkin received correspondence from Dr. Harlin containing questions from Dr. Carmichael regarding food options available after 8:00 pm. There is a location in Galveston located in the Clinical support wing (between Jennie Sealy and John Sealy) across from 6.200 that is a “Micro-Market”. Here faculty will find salads, sandwiches, energy drinks, waters, and other food items.There is a “testing” of a Self-checkout at the League City campus where faculty can find food items. Currently the testing will begin in June, success is anticipated.Left over hot food cannot be re-packaged due to food safety concerns.Food Services Satisfaction Survey is available via QR codes that can be found by cashier registers in the cafeteria. These can also be found on table tents on all tables in the dining lounge. Officer, Board, and Standing Committee Reports:Executive: Dr. Messenger, Dr. Pine and Dr. Rossi met with Dr. Mouton and Dr. Jones to discuss the space requisition. Senate Bill 17 and Bill 18 were mentioned in this meeting, currently, Leadership are still looking for guidance from UT system. No change to Tenure as of right now. University: Dr. Rossi is not preset, Dr. Svoboda indicated there was no new update.Education: Dr. Villarreal will be meeting with Dr. Norma Perez to discuss what is the technology to facilitate contact between the students, residents and faculty.Clinical: No new update.Research: Dr. Tzeng provided updates for the research committee. The Research Committee met with Dr. Urban to submit their whitepaper proposal, the proposal entails Training Grants and Foundation Grants. Dr. Menon continued to request clarification from UTMB government affairs regarding the differences between embryonic cell lines in research (placenta vs fetal membranes). Old Business, New Business & General OrdersNo unfinished business from last Senate meeting.No new businessAt 5:29 pm Dr. Svoboda motioned to move into Executive Session, Dr. Syed provided a second. Committee meetings ended at 5:42 pm.Committee Meetings - Closed Senate Meeting (Attendees: UTMB Faculty Senators Only)Clinical: No update or report.Education: No update or report.Research: No update or report.University: No update or report.Dr. Carmichael motioned to adjourn, Dr. Karthik Mani provided a second.Meeting adjourned at 6PM