UTMB Faculty Senate
March 20, 2023
  1. Faculty Senate Meeting - Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Chris Messenger, Chair at 4:30 pm.

  • Attendance "Roll Call" & Establishing Quorum, confirming a senator is present to represent each school.
    • SHP - Diana Collins
    • JSSOM - Lucy Villarreal
    • GSBS - Huey-Ming Tzeng
    • SON - Rebeka Watson Campbell
    • SPPH - Brian Downer
  • Agenda Adoption
    • No objections, the agenda is adopted. Motion to approve L. Farmer and seconded C. Bruno
  • Prior Meeting Minutes
    • Two more votes needed for minute approval. Received the two votes, S. Jain and J. McKee approved.

2. Officer, Board, and Standing Committee Reports:

  • Unfinished Business & General Orders: - No unfinished business from last meeting.
  • Standing Committee Reports:
    • Education Committee: No business/discussion took place.
    • University Committee: No business/discussion took place.
    • Research: Presented sideline research project. Developed a change request proposal for faculty senators to review, data is still needed, and any thoughts or questions are welcomed.  Aim of this change request: To have educational training and foundation grants recognized by the Faculty Compensation and Incentive Program (FCIP) to promote faculty in their yearly production quotas, promotions and tenure tracks. Dr. Messenger explained the purpose of draft. There is a desire of the Faculty Senate to have training grants be better incorporated into the FCIP, and so there was a motion and several weeks back to form a joint subcommittee between the Research, Standing, and University Committee to draft a white paper to formulate what it means to faculty. Dr. Rossi and Dr. Downer on what the draft/proposal means to them. 
    • Clinical: No business/discussion took place.
  • New Business: No new business, motion to move into executive session. Motion to execute and have open discussion with Dr. Mouton. Approved by S. Rossi and H. Tzeng.
    • C. Mouton discussed:
      • Education Mission - Success with medical students and matching.
      • Clinical Enterprise - Strong patient volume and revenue, struggled a little bit with expense side and allocate nursing staff and supply chain. So, it has put pressure on our revenue.
      • Research - Remarkably well, challenged by prior departments before becoming dean to improve Blue Ridge Ranking, which  asset level NiH funding. Top 2% of institutions that are receiving federal funding.
      • Previously ranked  55th as a SOM now ranked 41st.
    Meeting adjourned 6PM