Faculty Group Practice Newsletter

A doctor and patient review notes on a tablet together

Enhancing Care and Support for our Patients in Underserved Communities with ACO REACH

To give further support to our providers during our ACO REACH Performance year, we have developed an internal website that has compiled several resources for your ease of access and convenience.

UTMB has partnered with Belong Health ACO to participate in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ACO REACH program (ACO Realized Equity, Access, and Community Health model). ACO REACH aims to simplify navigation of the healthcare system for the most vulnerable populations through enhanced care coordination, improving access to benefits and minimizing unnecessary care. 

ACO REACH provides patients greater attention to their individualized health needs and enhanced care coordination across their providers, while maintaining services and flexibilities beneficiaries value in Medicare FFS. ACO REACH also allows many beneficiaries to take advantage of benefits that they may not have been aware of, or that are unique to the ACO REACH program.

ACO REACH allows primary care providers to form communities across practices to collaborate and hold one another accountable for performance. Sharing management and costs across an ACO allows participating providers to utilize tools and resources to better coordinate, manage and improve the quality of care they can offer their Medicare FFS beneficiaries.


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