UTMB celebrated 20 years of Heart Transplantations with a reception for post heart transplant patients and their families along with doctors and... read article »
Because of enhancements to UTMB’s Information Security Program, specific security incidents are continuing to trend downward. Employees should... read article »
UTMB will host an open house and free health fair Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at its recently reopened Primary Care Pavilion, 400 Harborside Drive... read article »
Incoming physician assistant students at the UTMB received their white coats in a ceremony that welcomed them into their new program of... read article »
Neuropathic pain — pain that results from a malfunction in the nervous system — is a daily reality for millions of... read article »
Dr. Jacques Baillargeon, an associate professor in preventive medicine and community health at UTMB, who is the lead author of a study of testosterone-prescribing patterns... read article »
Impact is UTMB’s bi-weekly newsletter focused on celebrating the accomplishments of UTMB’s faculty, staff and students.
Please send all inquiries to impact.newsletter@utmb.edu. We hope you enjoy reading Impact and look forward to hearing from you!
Michelle Beckwith, area director of Catering and Paul Schultz, vice president of Hospitality presented a check for $100,000 to UTMB following the... read article »
Construction across the institution continues to proceed at a rapid pace at the Galveston campus and also at the Victory Lakes campus and some of the... read article »
The UTMB Department of Pediatrics is having its annual "Back to School" School Supplies Drive for disadvantaged GISD students and... read article »