IPE Activity Approval Form

IPE Activity Approval Form


1. UTMB IPE activities are designed for entry-level professional and graduate students.
2. UTMB IPE activities may be required for course completion (i.e., a course assignment), or may be independently selected by students based on student interest. Some departments/programs may require students to get prior approval from student’s program/department prior to registration for an IPE activity (will vary by School/department/program).
3. Attendance must be taken at all IPE activities. Completed attendance sheets must be turned into the Office of Interprofessional Education within a week of the event. 
4. When possible, learners should first complete core TeamSTEPPS training before participating in other IPE activities. However, completion of TeamSTEPPS is not a mandatory prerequisite for all IPE activities.
5. To be considered an Interprofessional Activity, all of the following criteria must be met:
a) Learners from two or more professions are involved.
b) Students will learn about, from, and with each other.
c) Interprofessional best practices are intentionally integrated into the activity
d) Objectives include at least one IPEC Core Competency.