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  • Role of prostaglandin influx and efflux transporters (PGT and MRP4) in human fetal membranes

    216: Role of prostaglandin influx and efflux transporters (PGT and MRP4) in human fetal membranes Harirah, Hassan et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 201 , Issue 6 , S92
  • Metabolism of 17a-hydroxyprogesteronecaproate (17-P) by human placental mitochondrial and microsomal enzymes

    Zharikova, O. L., Fokina, V. M., Yan, R., Nanovskaya, T. N., Hankins, G. D. V., & Ahmed, M. S. (2010, February). Metabolism of 17a-hydroxyprogesteronecaproate (17-P) by human placental mitochondrial and microsomal enzymes. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 30th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Consequences of gestational diabetes and adult dietary stress in the aged rat offspring

    Ballman, K., Khan, S., Kono, T., Evans-Molina, C., & Haneline, L. S. (2010, May). Consequences of gestational diabetes and adult dietary stress in the aged rat offspring. Pediatric Academic Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Redox regulation of stem cells

    Haneline, L. S. (2010). Redox regulation of stem cells. Gordon Research Conference, Thiol-based Redox Regulation and Signaling, Lucca, Italy.
  • Diabetes in pregnancy: Fetal effects that predispose to later cardiac disease

    Haneline, L. S. (2010). Diabetes in pregnancy: Fetal effects that predispose to later cardiac disease. American Academy of Pediatrics District VIII Section on Perinatal Pediatrics Meeting, Boise, ID.
  • Differential expression of prostaglandin biosynthetic enzymes in human fetal membrane layers during pregnancy and labor

    Harirah, H. M., Nekhayeva, I. A., & Ahmed, M. S. (2010, February). Differential expression of prostaglandin biosynthetic enzymes in human fetal membrane layers during pregnancy and labor. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 30th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Preterm labor- why we hand you babies too soon and what (if anything) we can do about it

    Haas, D. M. (2010, September 4). Preterm labor- why we hand you babies too soon and what (if anything) we can do about it. Pediatric Academic Society, 34th Midwest Conference on Perinatal Research.
  • The impact of genotype on nifedipine pharmacokinetics when used as a tocolytic

    Haas, D. M. (2010, October 29). The impact of genotype on nifedipine pharmacokinetics when used as a tocolytic. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Annual Meeting Las Vegas, NV.
  • Multiple ABC transporters of human placental brush border membranes contribute to the efflux of glyburide, rosiglitazone, and metformin

    Hemauer, S. J., Patrikeeva, S. L., Nanovskaya, T. N., Hankins, G. D., & Ahmed, M. S. (2010, February). Multiple ABC transporters of human placental brush border membranes contribute to the efflux of glyburide, rosiglitazone, and metformin. Oral presentation, Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 30th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Role of p-glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein in the placental biodisposition of bupropion and its metabolic, OH-bupropion

    Hemauer, S. J., Patrikeeva, S. L., Nanovskaya, T. N., & Ahmed, M. S. (2010, June). Role of p-glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein in the placental biodisposition of bupropion and its metabolic, OH-bupropion. College on Problems of Drug Dependence 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Pharmacokinetics of famotidine during pregnancy and postpartum

    Wang, X., Zhan, Y., Rytting, E., Patrikeeva, S. L., Nanovskaya, T. N., Clark, S., Jackson, A., Venkataramanan, R., Caritis, S., Hankins, G. D. V., & Ahmed, M. S. (2010, September). Pharmacokinetics of famotidine during pregnancy and postpartum. American College of clinical Pharmacology 39th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.