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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay?

After you submit your abstract, we will approve it and send you a submission ID number. Using that number, you can pay using the link provided in the registration confirmation e-mail or using the "Payment Portal” located in the left-hand menu

Can I participate if I do not pay?

No. If payment has not been received by the deadline, your abstract will be withdrawn.

Can I submit an old project?

If your project has not been previously published or published by the event date, you can submit your abstract.

Can we submit case studies?


What is the attire?

During your presentation, it is recommended that you dress professionally. All other events, business casual or casual dress.

Will submitting an abstract and presenting give me credit at my educational institution?


Does the Character count include spaces?

Spaces do count as a part of the 2500 character count and some formulas may increase the character count as well. We have discovered that various character-counting programs have different counts based upon the version and/or internet source. You are responsible for ensuring that your submission meets the correct character count.

Are all events required in order to receive an award?

Yes, attendance at all events will be required to receive an award.

How do I get to the event?

The event will be held at the Health Education Center at 301 11th St, Galveston, TX 77550.

Do I have to be present at the Awards Banquet to receive an award?

Yes, you will need to be present at the Awards Banquet to receive an award.

Can I submit more than one abstract?

You may submit two oral and two poster abstracts in total (4 submissions), and you must be available to present all projects during the forum, whether they are oral presentations or poster presentations.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Open: Form
  • Oral Presentation Abstract Deadline:  March 9th, 2024
  • Poster Presentation Abstract Deadline:  March 23rd, 2024
  • Osler Essay Contest Deadline: March 23rd, 2024

Ticket Information:

  • Registration Fee: $150
  • Guest Fee: $30
  • Check back for the 2024 Registration Payment Form!