MSK Rotation 


Faculty RepresentativeDr. Glenn Garcia, Dr. Deborah Stedman, Dr. Brian Trieu




  • Monday- Friday at Victory Lakes(League City Campus) if MSK procedure

Please see Qgenda for attending schedules 



8:00 AM – 5:00 PM or if dismissed earlier by MSK faculty



  • UTMB Main (Galveston)) 

  • PACS Worklist:  MSK Unread Last 30 Days Unread 

  • Attending assignment:  

  • Check Qgenda for attending schedules 

  • UTMB Victory lakes (Ground Floor, Radiology reading room) 

  • PACS Worklist:  MSK Unread Last 30 Days Unread 

  • Attending assignment: 

  • Check Qgenda for attending schedules 



Daily, Noon Conference, UH conference room.  

Multidisciplinary Conferences 

Rheumatology conference 

  • When: Friday 1:00 PM  

  • Where: at Galveston(Main)Cooley Conference Room2.414 Clinical Science Bldg. 


Pertinent contacts information 

Reading room 

  • Main: 409-747-2853, 409-772-7158 

  • VL:  

  • Resident reading room: 51217 

  • Dr. Stedman’s Office: 51410 


Imaging Library 

  • Main    21110 / 21191 

  • VL        51756 








24229 / 21760 

21554 / 20917 / 26910 

Main ER 




Jennie Sealey 


67917 / 67566 







53213 / 53214 

53213 / 53214 







Dialing 5-digit Numbers (if you dial from mobile): 
            o If starts with 2 then dial 409-772-**** 
            o If starts with 7 then dial 409-747-**** 
            o If starts with 5 then dial 832-505-**** 
            o If starts with 6 then dial 409-266-**** 








Goals and Expectations 



The training program will consist of MSK 1, MSK 2 and MSK CROSS SECTIONAL rotations. MSK1 and MSK 2 rotationfocus on plain film interpretation interpreting at least 30-40 exams per day The MSK CROSS SECTIONAL resident will focus on all cross-sectional imaging and plain film interpretation and will be covered by the most senior resident.   


All level residents will assist in bone and joint procedures with exposure to ultrasonography and other interventions.  On a daily basis all MSK residents will check and chart all the procedure schedules and inform the MSK attendings of any planned procedures. ALL Epic Inpatient and Outpatient IR lists should be checked for  MSK procedures and protocolled accordingly!!!  He/she is to collect the clinical information, images, lab data, etc. and present it to the MSK attendings in order to plan the exam appropriately in advance. The technologists will contact the resident when the patient arrives. The MSK resident will obtain informed consent for the procedure.  Residents will observe, perform and dictate MSK procedures.  Residents should ensure all appropriate testing is ordered on any patient specimen collected!!  This may require contacting the ordering team.  Residents are to participate in as many procedures as possible.  Any participation in procedures must be entered by the resident into New Innovations.    


Residents will be expected to protocol cross sectional CT/MR studies and IR procedures daily in Epic.  The resident is to protocol all cases after utilizing any prior imaging and the MSK protocol file to optimize the study protocol. Help from attending MSK radiologists should be sought, especially during the first few weeks of the first rotation.  Before bringing a case to the attending’s attention, the resident should fully investigate all aspects of the case (reason for ordering exam, patient condition and ability to tolerate MRI, previous exams of all types). The resident should propose a protocol for the exam that will be reviewed and amended by the attending as necessary. Residents should serve as the first line for protocoling exams, but should feel free to call upon staff for assistance at any time. 




Residents will be expected to review and dictate cases which will be checked by faculty. Residentwill be expected to compare exams with appropriate prior studies. MSK residents will work together to ensure that all the images are interpreted in a timely fashion. MSK 1 & 2 residents will serve as back-up for the MSK CROSS SECTIONAL resident if assistance is needed.  


During the first MSK rotationthe radiology resident will be expected to: 


1.   Dictate a succinct, precise and coherent radiology report. 

2.   Describe pertinent normal anatomy in a MSK radiograph. 

3.   Establish a diagnosis and provide an appropriate description of a fracture involvinthe peripheral skeleton. 

4.   Discuss the imaging findingof septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and metastatic diseases. 

5.   Evaluate orthopedic follow-up imaging including the imaging findingoloosening and infection of orthopedic hardware. 

6.   Function as a consultant to clinicians for radiographic evaluation of MSK trauma and orthopedic follow-up. 

7.   Participate actively in the MSK division’s academic program (e.gteaching medical 

students on the rotationquality assurance, etc…) 


A resident test at the end of the rotation will focus on radiology of the musculoskeletal system with lesser emphasion other topics introduced while on service. 



During the second MSK rotation, radiology resident will be expected to: 


Discuss the imaging findings and provide an appropriate differential diagnosis for: 


1.   Articular diseases. 

2.   Benign and malignant bone tumors. 

3.   Metabolic and endocrine diseases. 

4.   Miscellaneous diseaseentities (as listed below). 

5.   Soft tissue lesions. 

6.   Congenital syndromes. 

7.   Consolidate the objectives othe first rotation 

8.   Function as a consultant for conventional radiographic evaluation of MSK 

pathology and for planning the MSK imaging to solve particular problem. 

9.   Participate actively in the MSK division’s academic program (e.gteaching medical 

students on the rotation