Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Melissa C. Lockhart, PhD, APRN, GNP-BC was recently invited to present, Exploring Senior Living and Long Term Care Options, in the weekly "Time-Out" Session hosted by the UTMB Health Resource Center on July 21, 2021, at noon on Zoom.
Dr. Lockhart is currently involved in the Dementia Care Study (D-CARE).
Learn more about the Research Volunteer Registry.
Making the decision to move into or send a loved one to a facility is difficult. To help you make the most informed decision, join us as we discuss the different types of senior care facilities and review the level of care provided,
services offered, cost, and transitioning from home to a residential care setting.
When: 7/21/21 from 12p-1p
Presented by: Melissa C. Lockhart, PhD., APRN, GNP-BC, Dementia Care Study and Alice L. Williams, MS, LBSW, Community Education Specialist, Sealy Center on Aging
Sponsored by: Health Resource Center
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