PAHO / WHO Visiting Scholars in Aging

Visiting Scholars in Aging is a formal program in aging research whereby researchers from partner institutions conduct collaborative research and training activities at UTMB. The program takes advantage of current networks and fosters future collaborations with institutions in Mexico and the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean. The result is increased research collaboration and understanding of cross-cultural, social, and political issues affecting aging and clinical care.

Visiting scholars get to be part of UTMB and benefit from the resources and facilities of the institution. To participate, visitors usually design a specific research program focused on Hispanic older adults that they complete in coordination with UTMB researchers. At UTMB, visitors have the opportunity to interact with Sealy Center on Aging and other faculty members.


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Contact Us

Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Collaborating Center
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555-0177
Directions and Maps
Phone: (409) 747-0008