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The Sealy Center on Aging supports a number of events related to research, education, and community service throughout the year focusing on improving the health and well-being of the elderly. Follow @UTMB_SCoA on Twitter and visit our Facebook Page for announcements.

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Geriatric Nurses Receive President's Cabinet Award

Aug 25, 2022, 13:42 PM by SCOA

Congratulations to Jennifer Young, Jessica den Herder, and Tammie Michael, House Call Nurse Practitioners in the Division of Geriatrics & Palliative Medicine, on being selected for the 2022 President’s Cabinet Award to fund their proposed project, “Improving Hurricane Preparedness in Galveston County Home Bound”.  

Dr. Mukaila Raji wrote the following: 

"The Award is a testament to their excellence in patient care, education, scholarly activities, and community advocacy on behalf of older patients. Thanks to all our Geriatrics NPs and DNPs, and Lauren Campbell—the Community Care/House Call Coordinator--for always going the extra mile in delivering compassionate care to our patients and their loved ones."

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