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SIDD Call for Pre-proposals

The Sealy Institute for Drug Discovery (SIDD) builds academic, industrial, and community partnerships to identify clinical drug candidates, advance knowledge of drug discovery, and train the next generation of discovery researchers. The Institute brings together tools and expertise in target identification, screening, lead generation, and validation to support researchers in infectious disease, neuroscience, aging, and other disciplines towards discovery and development of novel therapeutics.

SIDD is seeking preproposals for feasibility and pilot projects that will result in preliminary data and subsequent extramural funding for drug discovery research. All UTMB employees who are eligible for extramural funding are encouraged to apply by 1) filling out a the form at Call for Preproposals and 2) emailing it to utmbidd@utmb.edu.

SIDD will review the objectives, activities, and outcomes of the proposed study, as well as the amount of pilot funding needed and the relationship of the activities to ongoing research and the plan for pursuing additional funding. Investigators with top-ranked projects will be invited to submit full proposals.

Preproposals Form