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UTMB Resident, SOM Student Awarded at Joint ACS Meeting

Mar 13, 2023, 10:43 AM by UTMB Surgery

Jana DeJesus, MD and Chris Soudah were awarded Best Paper and E-Poster Session at the North & South Texas Chapters American College of Surgeons meeting. Dr. DeJesus’ paper is titled: “The Safir Houston Model: Comprehensive Local Surveillance to Identify Vulnerable Populations and Risk Factors for Pediatric Firearm Injury Prevention.” Mr. Soudah’s poster is titled: “Effects of One-Year History of Anemia on Burn Surgery Outcomes in Elderly Populations.” 


A message from Mr. Soudah: 

"This was an amazing opportunity to showcase my research at this conference, and I’m incredibly honored to have received this award. I’d like to thank Dr. Wolf, Dr. Golovko, Dr. El Ayadi, and Dr. Song for their help on this presentation, and their continued support!” 


A message from Dr. DeJesus: 

“I’d like to thank Dr. Naik-Mathuria for her guidance and my colleagues for their hard work on this paper. Pediatric firearm injuries are a growing, multifactorial problem. Unfortunately, studies often do not capture the entire spectrum of nonfatal and fatal injuries. The SAFIR Model (Surveillance to Assess for Firearm Injury and Risks) pooled data from multiple sources (trauma centers, medical examiner records, and police reports) to create a comprehensive understanding of pediatric firearm injuries in Harris County. The results from this study provide a county-level view of pediatric firearm injuries, risk factors, and prevention strategies.” 


Congratulations, Dr. Jana DeJesus and Chris Soudah!