Department of Dermatology

Program Strengths

Unique strengths of this residency program include the following:

 A well-rounded faculty

Training in the major subspecialty areas of dermatology, including:

  • Medical Dermatology
  • Cutaneous oncology and surgery
  • Dermatopathology
  • Infectious diseases (mycology, virology, and bacteriology)
  • Laser therapy
  • Pediatric dermatology
  • Cosmetic dermatology

 Numerous faculty-directed teaching conferences

 Good patient mix from statewide referrals

 A well-rounded program in clinical and basic research

 Departmental laboratories in dermatopathology and basic research

 Frequent presentations by residents at local, regional, and national dermatological meetings

 Participation by faculty in local, regional, and national dermatological meetings Interaction and collaboration with faculty and other departments within the university

A major strength of our program is the outstanding quality of our residents. Most applicants who are selected have ranked in the top 15 percent of their medical school classes, although individuals with unusually strong recommendations or other special qualifications do receive consideration.

The track record of our residents after completing their training has been exceptional. Many have accepted prestigious fellowship positions or academic faculty positions while others have established highly successful private practices.

Since July of 2004, the UTMB Dermatology Interest Group has published a blog at that provides an unofficial archival source for departmental information.