Historical Timeline and Accomplishments CERCIT 2010-2021
First Cycle
The goal of the first cycle of CERCIT (Principal Investigator: James S. Goodwin, MD) was to find evidence that will help patients and their physicians make individualized decisions about the best cancer care options, including screening, treatment, and end-of-life care in cancer. CERCIT began as a multidisciplinary consortium of investigators at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), UT Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas (UTSW), and the Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Cancer Registry.
Second Cycle
CERCIT was refunded in 2016. The goal of the second cycle was to build on our analyses of administrative data and expand our methods to better measure individual patient characteristics and include information on patient preferences and patient-reported outcomes. We sought to generate evidence that would help patients and their physicians make individualized decisions about the best cancer care options for each patient. These choices included screening, treatment, and end-of-life care for cancer.
Beginning in 2010, the Data Management and Analysis Core (DMAC) of CERCIT worked closely with the Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) to combine information from various large databases, like Medicare and Medicaid, for research purposes. Under the new CPRIT-Core Facility Support Award (PI: Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD), the goals of the DMAC have evolved to include connecting TCR databases with national surveys to improve research on patient outcomes. We also aim to train new researchers in comparative effectiveness research (CER) across Texas, especially those who are underrepresented.