Statistics Analysis
The Statistics Analysis team includes highly qualified statisticians who adopt and develop innovative analytical approaches for cancer CER. With the Study Design Team, these teams provide study design and statistical analysis consultations to users and mentor to pilot awardees.
(Drs. Jupiter, Kuo, Lee, Yu, Wang)
Data Management
The Data Management team is composed of 4 masters-level biostatisticians, all with experience in large administrative databases. This team provides programming and data management support for data extraction and analytic file generation, and conduct statistics analyses. One of them will be responsible for data requests and user agreements.
(Digbeu, Gao, Polychronopoulou, Shan, Westra)
Coordination & Editing
The coordination & Editing team helps in preparation of Data Use Agreements (DUA) and editing of proposals and papers.
(Cline, Toombs Smith)
Contact Us
Anirudh Babu, Statistical Assistant
Phone: (409) 266-0194
(409) 772-5272
Mailing address:
UHC Building 4.530
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, Texas 77555-1150