UTMB - University of Palermo Joint Program

Unique to NGP is our international joint Neuroscience PhD program between the University of Palermo (UNIPA) and UTMB.  Since 2013, 23 NGP students have enrolled in the program including 12 Italian students and 11 US students. Moreover, the program has graduated 12 Italian students and 10 US students.

In February 2020, 6 NGP students defended their theses at the University of Palermo, and 2 NGP faculty traveled to Palermo as external examiners. All students in the joint program graduate with dual PhDs, one from UNIPA and one from UTMB. Entry into the program is competitive for both Italian and UTMB students. The collaboration between Italy and the US has enriched and added an important cosmopolitan aspect to our NGP.

Current Students

Unipa Current Students

Past Students

UNIPA Past Students

  • Past Students
    Past students in the UTMB/UNIPA Program
  • Kara Barber
    Adj_Barber, Kara Entered Program 2016
    Graduated 2019
    Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate I, Dept of Pharmacology Univ of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
    Area of Study: Active Zone Protein BRP
  • Nemil Bhatt
    Nemil Bhatt

    Entered Program: 2021

    Mentor:  Dr. Rakez Kayed

  • David Briley
    David Briley Entered Program 2015
    Graduated 2017
    Current Position: Post Doc Research Fellow, Rutgers University
    Area of Study: Neurodegeneration
  • Michele Comerota
    Adj_Comerota, Michele Entered Program 2014
    Graduated 2018
    Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
    Area of Study: Neurodegeneration
  • Zifeng (Tony) Tang
    Tony Tang

    Entered Program: 2021

    Mentor:  Dr. Bartosz Szczesny

  • Tiziana Corsello
    Entered Program 2013
    Graduated 2017
    Current Position: Assistant Instructor, UTMB, Galveston, TX

    Area of Study: Infectious Disease

  • Daniela D'Amico
    D Amico, Daniela Entered Program 2017
    Graduated 2020
    Current Position: Post doctoral fellow, University of Palermo, Italy
    Area of Study: Muscle wasting and Neuroscience
  • Claudia Di Gesù
    Entered Program 2018
    Graduated 2021
    Current Position: Post doctoral associate, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
    Area of Study: Microbiome and Neurodevelopment
  • Jessica Di Re
    Adj_Di Re, Jessica Entered Program 2016
    Graduated 2019
    Current Position: Post doctoral fellow UTMB, Galveston, TX
    Are of Study: Schizophrenia
  • Kathleen Farmer
    Adj_Farmer, Kathleen

    Graduated 2020

    Area of Study: Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Whitney Franklin
    Adj_Franklin, Whitney Entered Program 2015
    Graduated 2018
    Current Position: Currently enrolled at the UT-Houston School of Medicine, Houston, TX
    Area of Study: Neurodegeneration
  • Filippa Lo Cascio
    Filippa Lo Cascio Entered Program 2015
    Graduated 2018
    Area of Study: Neurodegeneration
  • Claudia Marino
    Adj_Marino, Claudia Entered Program 2014
    Graduated 2016
    Current Position: Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Schepens Eye Institute, Harvard University, Boston, MA
    Area of Study: Neurodegeneration
  • Emanuele Mocciaro
    Adj_Mocciaro, Emanuele Entered Program 2015
    Graduated 2018
    Current Position: Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy
    Area of Study: Traumatic brain injury
  • Mauro Montalbano
    Maruo Montalbano Entered Program 2013
    Graduated 2016
    Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow UTMB, Galveston, TX
    Area of Study: Degeneration 
  • Ashley Nilson
    Adj_Nilson, Ashley

    Graduated 2020

    Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

    Area of Study: Neuropharmacology
  • Lorenzo Ochoa
    Adj_Ochoa, Lorenzo

    Entered Program: 2019
    Graduated: 2023

  • Anita Randolph
    Adj_Randolph, Anita Entered Program 2014
    Graduated 2017
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School
    Area of Study: Neural regeneration
  • Salvatore Saieva
    Adj_Saieva, Salvatore

    Graduated 2021

    Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Texas medical Branch

    Area of Study: Neuroinflammation
  • Pietro Scaduto
    Adj_Scaduto, Pietro

    Graduated 2021

    Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

    Area of Study: Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Tileena Vasquez
    Adj_Smith, Tileena

    Entered Program: 2019
    Graduated: 2023

  • Olga Zolochevska
    Olga Zolochevska Entered Program 2014
    Graduated 2017
    Current Position: Senior Scientist, Castle Biosciences, Inc
    Area of Study: Neurodegeneration

Image Gallery

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Program Director
Ping Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
4.212 Research Building 17, Route 0620
Phone Number: (409) 772-9858