One of the ways to support the Good Neighbor Program is through the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC).
The SECC was created by legislation in 1993. The first campaign was run in 1994, and raised more than $2,027,751 statewide. In recent years, the state campaign has raised more than $8 million. Of this amount—raised by all Texas public universities, colleges and state agencies—close to $600,000 was raised by the staff from UTMB Health alone each of the past two years.
One of the benefits of the SECC is the wide variety of charities and causes represented — there’s something for everyone. They range from local organizations to large and well-known national and international groups. Among these, the Good Neighbor Program is one of the local charities choices for the Galveston region.
The program is listed under "Local" charities in the Galveston campaign. The code for the fund is "327050 - UTMB Good Neighbor Program."
Why do people give to the Good Neighbor Program (and other charities)?
Giving feels great. It's easy and painless. And it really helps people in the communities where we live and work. At the same time, giving is a personal decision and everyone involved with these efforts respects your choice to give or not give, and which charities you may decide to support.
How did the Good Neighbor Program become part of the SECC?
The Good Neighbor Program actually began its life with the SECC in 2010, when it was established as a way for our staff to share support with some of the most needy of those we serve.
To participate in the SECC, the UTMB program (like other charitable organizations) has to meet strict but fair standards. Charities that wish to participate in SECC meet specific legal requirements, and are then scrutinized by teams of state employees to ensure:
- They are recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and registered with the Secretary of State.
- They are audited (or reviewed) annually by an accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
- They provide direct or indirect health and human services.
- They spend no more than 25 percent of funds raised on administration and fund raising unless they qualify for an exception due to special circumstances.
- They meet other requirements per the application.
The UTMB Good Neighbor program has a low administrative cost of 2.35%.
The SECC runs annually during the late summer or fall. You can pledge your support to the Good Neighbor program during the SECC, or at anytime during the year that is convenient for you (through the UTMB Development Office)