Contact usMarketing & Communications Questions, comments, concerns? Please feel free to contact us using the various options on this page. Management Team 1 Hadley, Stephen Stephen Hadley Associate Vice President, Marketing and Media Communications Bethea, David David Bethea Director, Community Engagement Johnson, Dana Dana JohnsonDirector, Branding and Design Smith Gonzalez, Christopher Christopher Smith Gonzalez Director, Media Relations Valdes, Pep Pep Valdes Director, Digital Communications Marketing and Communications5.113 Administration Bldg.3.512A Rebecca Sealy Bldg.Office: (409) 772-2618Fax: (409) 747-8885Route: 0144 James Perry Kelly Memorial ScholarshipDonate now or apply Media Contacts and InformationUTMB NewsroomVisit the UTMB Newsroom for the latest news and information. UTMB Media RelationsOur team can help to identify the best sources for your stories about UTMB patient care, research and education. Journalists: On deadline?Call the UTMB 24/7 Media Hotline (409) 772-6397