BSHS Selectives 2023-2024
Selectives Type:  Medical Humanities

Selective Title
Cultural Competency in Hispanic Health (BSHS Credit)
Course Number
MEHU 4411
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Year 3 requirements
Responsible Faculty Director:
Norma A Perez, MD
Other Faculty:
Dr. Soham Al Snih
Contact Information
Periods Offered
1-7, 9-13 (excluding Period 11)
excluding holiday period 8
Maximum Enrollment

Learning Objectives
Students will be introduced to basic research on population health and the implications of culture on the health of Hispanics. The research can be descriptive, analytical, retrospective, or self-assessment. Students will submit a written scholarly report combining basic research methods with their clinical experience during their preceptorship/clerkship.

Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared to:

1. Identify an answerable research question relevant to Hispanic culture and its relation to health and specific ethical practices;
2. Locate and summarize health issues among Hispanics;
3. Conduct basic research on Hispanic culture and its relation to health practices;
4. Submit a scholarly written report which will include a section on their self-interpretation of the results; and 5. Conduct an oral 10-minute presentation on the written report.

Describe the qualifications background and career goals or interests of students who would benefit from the course:
This course is appropriate for medical students interested in the health of Hispanics and cultural competency. The course is a required selective in the Bilingual Health Scholarly Concentration.

Description of course activities
Students will be paired with a faculty member that specializes in public health research on Hispanics. The faculty member will work with the student to complete a literature review or analyze the empirical clinical data.

Proposed time requirement (%) for the student activities per 40-hour week:
Activity Percent of Activity
Faculty contact time


Self-directed study


Data collection/analysis


Other development of PowerPoint presentation


Method of student evaluation

Check all that apply - complete appropriate section(s) only:
1.  Grading
A. Please specify your grading criteria for outstanding performance:
  Evidence of weekly progress on project and communication with faculty mentor. Successful completion of 10-15 page scholarly written report and oral 10-minute PowerPoint presentation.

2.  Written Assignment (Homework, projects, notes, papers, abstracts, etc.)
A. Frequency of written assignment(s)
  Final written report. The final written product should be at least 10 pages in length, not including references or figures.
B. Type of written assignment
  Seminars or tutorials culminating in a research paper.
Basic science research plus documented written report.
Humanities, social sciences, biostatistical or epidemiological research culminating in a scholarly paper or written report.
Clinically-based written reports focusing on a basic science or humanities problem.
Journal club written reports
Grant proposals
Literature review
Oral presentation plus written report.
Other modality with a self-directed, scholarly research component culminating in a written report.
C. Format of written assignment
  Scholarly paper (10-15 pages)
D. Method of content selection (student-selected, assigned, relate to cases, etc.)
  Student selects topic in consultation with faculty mentor or course director.

3.  Oral Presentation
  A. Frequency / duration of presentation(s)?
    Final oral presentation of written report.
  B. Type and format of presentation
    Informal presentation to Bilingual Health Scholarly Concentration faculty, SOM faculty, Mentor, and students.
  D. Assessment - Who assesses the student's presentation performance?
    Self-assessment   Peer assessment   Faculty assessment
  E. Method of content selection
    Student-selected topic   Assigned topic

4.  Professionalism
  What expectations do you have for the student to demonstrate participation in the elective (e.g. small group activities, seminars, thoughtful questions, providing resources, journal club, resident lecture attendance)?

The instructor will discuss principles of appropriate attribution and the referencing of literature with the student. The student is expected to understand and to adhere to the principle that all presented work must be solely the student’s own.

    Research ethics will be reviewed.

5.  Other Modes of Evaluation
  Please explain below.