Neurosurgery Services Skip Menu Navigate: Select to Navigate... - Neurosurgery - Patient Care - Faculty and Staff - Residency Program - Research - Make a Gift Neurosurgery Patient Care Faculty and Staff Residency Program Research Make a Gift Brain Neurosurgery Brain Services Primary and Metastatic Tumors Stereotactic BiopsyExcision of brain tumors with frameless neuronavigationPituitary tumors with microscopic or endoscopic approachCerebellopontine angle tumors including acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas)Placement of Ommaya reservoirs for chemotherapy Brain Aneurysms Simple and Complex clipping with use of intraoperative ICG fluorescenceCoil embolizationStent-assisted coilingFlow diversionIntrasaccular device Vascular Malformations Excision of CavernomaResection of Arteriovenous Malformation with or without EmbolizationMoya-Moya Disease Hydrocephalus Ventriculoperitoneal, cystoperitoneal and lumboperitoneal shuntsRevision of implanted shuntsReplacement or removal of shunts Stroke Extracranial-Intracranial BypassDecompressive Hemicraniectomy for Stroke EmergencyThrombectomy Traumatic Brain Injury Decompressive craniectomyNeurocritical care including intracranial pressure monitoringCraniofacial deformity including repair of skull defectsSkull fracture repairsCSF leak repairs Movement Disorders and Epilepsy Deep brain stimulation and epilepsy surgery Spine Neurosurgery Spine Services Degenerative spine Cervical, thoracic and lumbar foraminotomyAnterior diskectomy and fusion (ACDF)Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF)Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF)Transforaminal interbody fusion (TLIF)Posterior occipitocervical fusionAnterior-Posterior spine stabilization procedures (360)Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty proceduresLaminectomy and diskectomyFailed back syndrome Spine Trauma We provide care to all acute neurosurgical emergencies of the spine in the area including:Spinal Cord InjuryTraumatic fractures of the spineHalo placementIntraoperative reduction of subluxations of the spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) Spinal Cord Tumors Laminectomy with biopsy of spinal cord tumorLaminectomy with excision of spinal cord tumorVertebrectomy and stabilizationIntraoperative neuronavigation for resection of spinal cord tumors Spinal Deformity Other Spinal Cord Lesions Laminectomy with cyst or syrinx drainage Pain Electronic analysis of programmable pumps including replacementsPercutaneous placement of neurostimulators Peripheral Nerve Neurosurgery Peripheral Nerve Services Nerve Compression Carpal tunnel releaseUlnar nerve decompression (Guyon and elbow compression neuropathies)Brachial plexus injury Nerve Tumors Excision of nerve tumorsIntraoperative neuromonitoring and neurostimulation Pediatric Neurosurgery Pediatric Neurosurgery Services Hydrocephalus Placement of Shunts Neuroendoscopy: Third ventriculostomy, ventriculocisternostomy Treatment of complex hydrocephalus Congenital Anomalies of the Spine Meningocele repair Tethered cord release Encephalocele repair Craniosynostosis Repair