A quick email note
Due by Friday 9:00 PM of Week 2
Write about one patient encounter from this rotation which significantly impacted your learning experience.
Submit as an e-mail attachment to both Course Directors, Gayani Silva and Melissa Smith-Phillips, and to ACS Coordinator, Brian Sullivan gsilva@utmb,,
Due by Friday 9:00 PM of Week 2.
Due by Friday 9:00 PM of Week 3
The purpose of this module is to familiarize the students about the complexities of the health care system.
Billing and Documentation
1. What is a CPT code?
2. What is an ICD code?
3. How do documentation and billing for an established patient differ from a new patient?
4. Can you get reimbursement for a sick visit and a well-visit on the same day? What documentation is required?
Insurance and Payment
5. Insurance
6. Public assistance
What are the differences between Medicaid vs. Chip insurance?
Where does the money come from to fund these programs?
7. In this community practice...
Is Medicaid insurance accepted? Chips?
What 3rd party insurances are accepted? Are there some that are not?
8. In the community in which you are completing the Pedi ACS, what are the healthcare options for uninsured children?
9. Complete this table for typical charges at this practice.
Well-visit |
Sick visit |
co-pay |
charges |
typical Medicaid reimbursement |
typical other 3rd-party reimbursement |
10. What else have you learned from the practice manager about the “business of pediatrics”?
Submit as an e-mail attachment to both Course Directors, Gayani Silva and Melissa Smith-Phillips, and to ACS Coordinator, Brian Sullivan gsilva@utmb,,
Due by Friday 9:00 PM of Week 3.
Due by Friday 9:00 PM of Week 3
Have conversations with your preceptor and other practice team member.
Make an effort to be involved in multiple aspects of the preceptor’s practice, including management activities and any civic activities. This may include, but is not limited to, hospital rounds, office management, civic activities, medical staff meetings, and weekend/night call.
Identify a pediatric health/wellness issue affecting many patients in this practice and community.
Identify this pediatrician's response to the issue with individual patients/families or in the community.
1. Describe this pediatrician's practice. You should address, but are not limited to, these questions:
2. What do you see happening in this clinical setting that supports the concept of ‘healthcare team”? How many professionals can you identify who are interacting to make this practice function?
3. What does this pediatrician see as great challenges to the profession of general pediatrics? and great rewards?
4. Describe a health/wellness issue affecting many patients in this practice and community. Report on conversations you have with your preceptor about the issue and observations you have made of your preceptor's approach to the issues.
5. What about this pediatrician inspires you?
Submit as an e-mail attachment to both Course Directors, Gayani Silva and Melissa Smith-Phillips, and to ACS Coordinator, Brian Sullivan gsilva@utmb,,
Due by Friday 9:00 PM of Week 3.
Due by Tuesday 9:00 PM of Week 4
Objectives: Describe what is WIC and why is it important for community pediatrician to know about WIC?
Activity: You may want to visit a WIC office, not just read about WIC off the Internet.
Objective: learn about one other child/youth/family-serving agency or organization
Activity: Choose one other child/youth/family-serving agency or organization that you would like to learn more about.
Suggestion: ask your preceptor if there is any agency or organization that the preceptor would like to learn more about; and set out to learn about the agency in the way as to be helpful to the preceptor.
For example, the preceptor may want to
WIC. What is WIC? How is it funded? For what services would you send patients to WIC? If you visited a WIC office, describe your visit and what you learned.
ONE OTHER. Provide information about the agency /organization. Include the following:
Submit as an e-mail attachment to both Course Directors, Gayani Silva and Melissa Smith-Phillips, and to ACS Coordinator, Brian Sullivan gsilva@utmb,,
Due by Tuesday 9:00 PM of Week 4