Pharmacology and Toxicology: Graduate Program Admissions
Admissions Philosophy

The UTMB Pharmacology and Toxicology Department is one of the top departments in the nation. As such, the Department offers innovative education and training while performing cutting edge research. To support and accomplish these endeavors, the Department seeks to admit graduate students who have demonstrated academic excellence, integrity, respect for all people regardless of their differences, the ability to adapt and contribute to high-level research efforts, and a passion for lifelong learning. Once graduate students are admitted to the Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Program they will be continually fostered by an unparalleled learning and training environment provided by the dedicated efforts of the Faculty. Based on the values listed, combined with a successful training model and track record of producing high quality trainees, it is expected that graduates of the UTMB Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Program will go on to leadership positions within academia, government, and industry.
Dr. Casey Wright
Recruitment and Admissions Chair