Pharmacology and Toxicology Scholar Organization (PTSO)

PTSO is an educational organization founded to represent and promote the students enrolled in graduate studies in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Our goal is to provide an instructive and interactive environment for our members to connect with fellow students and faculty and give back to the community through information sessions, volunteering activities, and various social events.


Emma Pfortmiller
PTSO President


Noelle C. Anastasio, PhD
PTSO Faculty Advisor


PTSO: Officers 2024-2025

President: Emma Pfortmiller

Vice President: Julia Granchi

Treasurer: Hector Gutierrez

Secretary: Lauren Leday

PTSO: Annual Events

Pharmacology & Toxicology Student Meet and Greet

Pharmacology & Toxicology Annual Summer Symposium

The Bohdan R. Nechay, PhD Lectureship in Pharmacology