Group of Children

Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium (TCMHCC)


The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is a participant in the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium (TCMHCC) mental health initiatives. The Consortium was established through the 2019 passing of Senate Bill 11 which aims to address urgent mental health challenges and improve the mental health care system for children and adolescents.

Though the Consortium, UTMB serves as a hub to the following statewide behavioral health initiatives Child Psychiatry Access Network (CPAN), the Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine (TCHATT) program, Texas Childhood Trauma Research Network (TX-CTRN), Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN), and Workforce Development.

For more information on the TCMHCC please visit

Child Psychiatry Access Network


CPAN is a provider to provider consultation service that provides child and adolescent behavioral health consultation services and training opportunities for pediatricians and primary care providers.

CPAN offers local resources and can assist providers in developing effective strategies for improving the mental health well-being of the patient in their office setting.

Advantages of CPAN:

Free – CPAN is a free service for Primary Care Physicians and Pediatricians
Fast – PCPs and Pediatricians can receive psychiatric consultations with a child psychiatrist and mental health professional within 30 minutes of their call or schedule a call back at their convenience
Education - Training and education opportunities for PCPs and Pediatricians on behavioral health in children and adolescents, including free CME opportunities

The UTMB CPAN hub is proudly providing services to primary care providers across 13 Texas counties: Aransas, Austin, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, Galveston, Jackson, Jefferson, Lavaca, Matagorda, Orange, and Wharton.

Contact CPAN:
Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Phone: (888) 901-2726 (CPAN)
Select 2 for the Southeast region 
Select 3 for UTMB 
Or text: (409) 227-2071

For more information on the UTMB CPAN program please contact the team at:

Perinatal Psychiatry Access Network

PeriPAN is a provider to provider consultation service that provides pregnant and postpartum behavioral health consultation services and training opportunities for OB/GYNs and other primary care physicians.

PeriPAN offers local resources and can assist providers in developing effective strategies for improving the mental health well-being of the patient in their office setting

Advantages of PeriPAN:

Free – PeriPAN is a free service forOB/GYNs and other primary care physicians
Fast – OB/GYNs PCPs can receive psychiatric consultations with a reproductive psychiatrist and mental health professional within 30 minutes of their call or schedule a call back at their convenience
Education - Training and education opportunities

The UTMB PeriPAN hub is proudly providing services to primary care providers across 13 Texas counties: Aransas, Austin, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, Galveston, Jackson, Jefferson, Lavaca, Matagorda, Orange, and Wharton.

Contact PeriPAN:
Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Phone: (888) 901-2726 (CPAN)
Select 2 for the Southeast region 
Select 3 for UTMB 
Or text: (409) 227-2071

For more information on the UTMB PeriPAN program please contact the team at:

Untitled design

Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine

TCHATT is a school-based telemedicine service that will provide FREE access to behavioral health services for students.

Advantages of TCHATT:

Free – Visits are offered at no cost to the school district or student
Fast – Limited wait time between referral and initial evaluation of the student
Evidence-based treatment – Medication and/or therapy services are available
Convenient – Visits are conducted at the school decreasing the amount of time families are away from work and students are away from school to attend appointments
Secure – Health information shared over a secure telemedicine network
Community oriented – UTMB will help connect students to local mental health resources

If you would like more information related to the TCHATT program please contact us by email or phone (409) 747-8360.

TCMHCC Research Initiatives 

The TCMHCC research initiative has created two state-wide networks to better understand and improve mental health services to address youth trauma, depression and suicide, and to identify regional and statewide service delivery gaps to inform policy makers and to improve the mental health of children and youth in Texas.

  1. Childhood Trauma Research Network (CTRN)
  2. Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (YDSRN)

Texas Childhood Trauma Research Network (TX-CTRN)

Volunteers needed for research involving youth who have experienced trauma

The Texas Childhood Trauma Research Network (TX-CTRN) is seeking research participants for a one-year study to understand trauma in children and adolescents.

There will be four visits involved. Each visit should take about 2-4 hours. Each visit will consist of self-report questionnaires and an interview with a researcher. Youth will be compensated $100 for the first visit, $50 for each of the two follow up visits, and $100 for the final visit for a total of $300.

Youth may be able to participate if they:

  • Are between the ages of 8-20
  • Have a history of a traumatic event
  • Are able to dedicate time to virtual or in-person study assessments
  • Speak English/Spanish

For more information, please contact the research team at (409) 747-8350 or
Principal Investigator: Cody Dodd, PhD [UTMB IRB: 20-0200]

Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN)

Volunteers needed for research involving youth who have experienced depression or suicidality

The Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN) is seeking research participants for a one-year study to help us transform the future of depression and suicide treatment across our state.

There will be eight visits involved. Visits will range from about 30 minutes to 4 hours. Each visit will consist of self-report questionnaires and an interview with a researcher. Eligible participants may be compensated up to $300.

Youth may be able to participate if they:

  • Are between the ages of 8-20
  • Screen positive for depression and/or suicidality and/or are in treatment for depression
  • Are able to dedicate time to digital and in-person study assessments

For more information, please contact the research team at (409) 747-8350 or
Principal Investigator:
Melissa Defilippis, MD [UTMB IRB: 20-0215]

University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is dedicated to excellence in clinical service, education, and research in psychiatry. Our child and adolescent psychiatry faculty and therapists are committed to providing high quality care across our region to child and adolescent patients with mental health needs.

