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The Sealy Center on Aging supports a number of events related to research, education, and community service throughout the year focusing on improving the health and well-being of the elderly. Follow @UTMB_SCoA on Twitter and visit our Facebook Page for announcements.

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COVID-19 Presentation Aug 16th on Zoom

Aug 10, 2021, 09:49 AM by Sealy Center on Aging

UTMB’s Institute for Translational Science and the Sealy Center for Environmental Health & Medicine invites you to participate in a conversation on Setting the Record Straight: Separating COVID and Vaccine Myth from Fact.”

This will be a VIRTUAL discussion on Monday, August 16, 2021, from 12 pm – 1 pm central time.

This conversation features UTMB’s Scott Weaver, PhD, John Sealy Distinguished University Chair in Human Infections and Immunity; Chair, Department of Microbiology & Immunology; Director, Institute for Human Infections & Immunity; and Scientific Director of the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch; and Rachel Deer, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research Director, UTMB Post-COVID Recovery Clinic at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Myth or Fact? If I’ve already had COVID-19, I don’t need a vaccine. Myth or Fact? More COVID variants are likely to come. Myth or Fact? Brain fog, fatigue, and joint pain can last for months after a COVID infection. Join us to hear from the experts and bring your questions about COVID-19, vaccines, variants, and long-haulers. Please RSVP to Krista Bohn ( for a Link to the virtual discussion. You may submit questions in advance by emailing Krista or chat them during the discussion.

SCI Café is a community dialogue about science, health, and possibilities among community members, researchers, and scientists. The purpose is to engage and connect community members with science and science with the local community.


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