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The Sealy Center on Aging supports a number of events related to research, education, and community service throughout the year focusing on improving the health and well-being of the elderly. Follow @UTMB_SCoA on Twitter and visit our Facebook Page for announcements.

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Time-Out Tuesdays: Communication When Dementia is Involved - February 22nd

Feb 18, 2022, 10:21 AM by SCOA
"Time-Out Tuesdays"- "Communication When Dementia is Involved"- February 22nd

***Families, caregivers, patients, staff, and students are welcome to attend these sessions***

February 22nd Session- 12p-1p via Zoom

Presented by: Alice Williams, MS, LBSW, Community Education Specialist, UTMB Sealy Center on Aging

Topic: “Communication When Dementia is Involved"

Overview: We communicate in many familiar ways. When a person develops dementia, their ability to communicate and comprehend often changes. This presentation will offer tips and techniques for improving communication and understanding between persons with dementia and their caregiver.

Hosted by: Health Resource Center
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