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The Sealy Center on Aging supports a number of events related to research, education, and community service throughout the year focusing on improving the health and well-being of the elderly. Follow @UTMB_SCoA on Twitter and visit our Facebook Page for announcements.

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Congrats to Forum on Aging Poster Winners & Thanks to All Participants

Oct 26, 2022, 17:00 PM by SCOA

The Annual Forum on Aging was held in person at UTMB on October 25, 2022. Over 100 posters were submitted. Visit the FOA home page to view this year's winning posters, download the program, and see the event photos. Congratulations to this year's winners!


This year’s Forum on Aging was a success! We had a record number of posters, 104, and more than 250 attendees. Thank you to all participants, with special thanks to poster presenters and award judges. The posters’ quality was high, making it difficult for judges to select the winners. The complete list of award winners and the abstract book can be found in the Forum on Aging homepage: Annual Forum on Aging | Sealy Center on Aging | UTMB Home. The Forum on Aging was sponsored by the Sealy Center on Aging with support from Research Services, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health, and Sigma XI. Many thanks to the Sealy Center on Aging team for organizing the event: Stephanie Burt for the impeccable overall organization; Roxann Grover for creating and managing the website, and providing the photo reportage; Alice Williams, Kelley Prevou Sitgreaves and Oscar Townsel for their support running the event. Thank you also to the Research Services team, Christy Taylor Bray, Heidi Lutz, Melodi Moore, and Pamela Petty, for their help during the event. Ad majora! Elena Volpi, MD, PhD, FGSA

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