2024 Symposium

"Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases for Clinicians and Translational Scientists"
April 9-12, 2024 — University of Texas Medical Branch — Galveston, TX

Rational & Objectives

Symposium Rational

Through collaborative efforts at the University of Texas Medical Branch, this symposium seeks to engage clinicians, clinical investigators, and field and laboratory researchers in discussion of current issues and future challenges in the field of tropical and emerging infectious diseases. The primary goal of this symposium is to foster an environment that facilitates exposure to diverse approaches to combat the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases.

To achieve this, the symposium will include speaker presentations highlighting clinical and translation research, discussion sessions for developing research questions, a poster session highlighting recent clinical and translational research, and additional activities.

Symposium Objectives

  • Provide a platform for clinicians and laboratory researchers to explore a broad spectrum of advanced approaches in infectious disease research.
  • Facilitate collaboration between lab researchers, trainees, and clinicians in the field of infectious disease research.
  • Generate momentum for future collaborative efforts and activities in infectious disease research.


Center for Tropical Diseases (CTD)
The Center for Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases
Special Pathogens Excellence in Clinical Treatment Readiness & Education Program (SPECTRE)
Institute for Human Infections and Immunity (IHII)