• Training & Education: Internal and external training on special pathogens.

  • Research Infrastructure: Rapid implementation of clinical trials and biosafety research

  • Regional Coordination: Collaborate within HHS Region VI and nationally

  • Maintaining the BCU: Equipped for high-standard care of highly dangerous pathogens

SPECTRE Special Pathogens Excellence in Clinical Treatment Readiness & Education Program

Welcome to SPECTRE!

We are SPECTRE, the Special Pathogens Excellence in Clinical Treatment, Readiness, and Education Program (SPECTRE) within the Division of Infectious Diseases at UTMB. The primary objectives of SPECTRE are to support preparedness of the UTMB Biocontainment Care Unit (BCU) to care for patients with special pathogens, develop education and training regarding special pathogens care and research, to network with other health care and public health entities to assure a coordinated response, and to support infrastructure for clinical research for special pathogens. Our team includes experts in their fields from the School of Medicine, Department of Global Health & Emerging Disease, Department of Biosafety, Environmental Health & Safety, and Division of Infection Control & Healthcare Epidemiology.

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