Abhijit Rao
Masters Student, School of Public & Population Health
UTMB Galveston
Each month a team of School of Medicine leadership members selects a student who was nominated to recognize their outstanding efforts in their commitment to the art of medicine at UTMB. Your nomination demonstrates the high regard your student
colleagues and faculty members have for you. The following are excerpts from your nominations:
“Abhi has had a love of the arts in medicine since undergrad, whether it be through his participation in the "art of medicine" honors lecture series or his composition of "To Have Lived a Life", a quartet piece inspired buy a hospice patient
he helped care for. His passion for the arts has not wavered even during his medical school career with his leadership role in Music in
Medicine as well as his participation in The Galveston Healing Art Orchestra. Abhi's ability to stay
true to his love of music while perusing science is commendable and inspiring, and is something I believe should be recognized.”