Travel Information


Lodging Guidelines

UTMB can only reimburse for stays at lodging establishments which have been certified by the US General Services Administration (GSA) as Fire Safe Hotels.  Below is a link to the GSA for approved hotels and motels:

Any lodging arrangements made outside of these guidelines will not be reimbursed.

Fire Safe Hotels

In setting federal lodging per diem rates, GSA is required by law to use only properties that are certified as being fire safe. The following explains this requirement in greater detail.

The policy of the federal government, as reflected in the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 (Pub. L. No. 101-391, September 25, 1990 as amended by Pub. L. No. 105-85, November 18, 1997), referred to as "the Act" in this paragraph, is to save lives and protect property by promoting fire safety in hotels, motels, and all places of public accommodation affecting commerce. Federal employees are required by the Act to stay in a fire-safe facility (i.e., an approved accommodation) when commercial lodging is required. Additionally, employees are encouraged to report properties that don’t meet the requirements of the Act (hard-wired smoke alarms in each guest room and an automatic sprinkler system in each guest room if the property is more than three stories in height). A list of lodging properties that meet government requirements and a form to report non-compliant properties is on the U.S. Fire Administration's website.

UTMB Travel Program

In mid-2013, UTMB announced changes to the Travel Program. The changes for UTMB were coordinated with similar changes at all other UT System institutions. You can read more about the new program and view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) to help you better understand a few more details of the program.

The UTMB Travel program offers contracts and tools that complement the State of Texas travel contracts for airfare, hotels and rental cars. UTMB has contracts with two local travel agencies, Marchi Travel and Travel Counselors, as well as a third agency named Anthony Travel. Please access the links below for more information.

Contracts & Tools:

Tutorials for SWABIZ Users:

Mileage Reimbursement

Beginning 01/01/2025 to 12/31/25, business-related mileage in a personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the new IRS-approved reimbursement rate of 0.70 cents per mile. Travel prior to 01/01/25 will continue to be reimbursed at the previous rate of 0.67 cents per mile.

IRS web site for documentation

Southwest Airlines

  • Southwest Airlines reservations should be booked via UTMB’s SWABIZ site or Anthony Travel Agency to receive the most aggressive discounts - Southwest Airlines has been designated as a non-exclusive primary preferred airline.
  • Booking the same airline for both outbound and return usually results in the best possible airfare.

Learn more about Southwest Airlines discounts

Travel Per Diems

Travelers should use the per diem rates found on the Federal Government's GSA website Government's GSA website for their intended destination. Use these rates if the city or the city's county is included on the website. Reimbursement rates for lodging and meals may be restricted based upon funding rules such as those associated with TDCJ/CMC or Federal Funds. The State of Texas Travel site also has pertinent information on the topic of per diems.

Travel to Washington D.C.

Travel to Washington, D.C. from state funds requires prior notification to the Office of State-Federal Relations (OSFR) if the purpose is to engage in activities to obtain or spend federal funds or to impact federal policies.

The Office of State-Federal Relations form must be submitted prior to the trip occurring.

Expenses related to Washington, D.C. travel will not be reimbursed unless a copy of the Office of State-Federal Relations form accompanies the documentation.

Travel Cash Advances for travel to Washington, D.C. will not be granted unless a copy of the Office of State-Federal Relations form accompanies the request.

Office of State-Federal Relations form

Additional Travel Resources