Residency Application Process

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in applying to our residency program. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. One of those challenges involves the interview process during a virtual application and interview season.

We understand that you are anxious about getting the feel of programs and their geographical locations with the current restrictions to travel and interview in person. So, we are holding a few virtual open houses and resident mixers from now until the end of application season, so that you can be more familiar with our faculty and residents. We are also in the process of creating a virtual tour of our different campuses and Galveston, TX.

To find out more about dates/ times of these events and tour videos, please follow us on Twitter utmb_anesthesia and Instagram @utmbanesthesia. You can also visit to find out more about Galveston Island.

Residency Positions

  • We offer sixteen PG-1 and four PG-2 (CA-1) positions which will be filled in the NRMP Match. Our NRMP program ID number for our PG-1 positions is 1714040C0 and for the PGY2 positions is 1714040R0. Applications will only be accepted in ERAS. All PGY-1 & 2 positions are filled through participation in NRMP Match.

Residency Application Coordinator

  • Stannesha Davis
    Residency Coordinator
    Department of Anesthesiology
    The University of Texas Medical Branch
    301 University Boulevard
    Galveston, TX 77555-0877

Interview Process

  • All completed applications received through ERAS will be reviewed by our Resident Selection Committee. Interviews are by invitation from that committee by email and will be conducted between October and January.

Reference: Jones, R., Abdelfattah, K. Virtual Interviews in the Era pf COVOD-19: A Primer for Applicants. Journal of Surgical Education. Vol 77 (4); 733-34.

Virtual Open House Schedule


To register, click