How to Post an Event to the Calendar

  1. Get authorization. If you are already authorized to post to the UTMB Daily Announcements, you should be able to post to the UTMB Events Calendar. Your Trusted Requestor can request authorization on your behalf. Visit Information Service's Access Management site to find your area's Trusted Requestor.
  2. Browse to the UTMB Events Calendar.
  3. Click the button marked “Submit/Edit/Retract an Event.” You will be presented with a standard UTMB login dialogue box.
  4. Enter your UTMB username and password. Once logged in, you will see the Event Calendar utility page. From there, click the “Add” link to add a new event. You will be presented with a form.
  5. Fill in the required event information.  Required fields are marked with a red asterisk, and include the event description (a brief abstract of the event), event summary (details), and contact info for the person responsible for the event.
    1. Assign the event to a category. You may assign up to two categories to an event. For example, if the event is a concert that takes place within the context of a campus celebration, consider assigning the “Concert” and “Campus Celebration” categories.
    2. Select the appropriate audience. As in the UTMB Daily Announcements, you may select the appropriate audience for your event. While the selected audience will be noted in the event details, this information is collected in support of a future version of the UTMB Events Calendar.
    3. Enter the start and end times, and start and end dates. If the event spans more than one day, it will be displayed on each of the days involved.
    4. Finally, enter the contact information for the person responsible for the event. This required information includes name, email address, telephone extension and department.
  6. Click the “Submit” button. Your event will be added to the event database and displayed in the calendar!