Health Education CenterPresentations

Branch, K. (2024, July 22). Use of technology in nursing at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Governor’s Task Force on Health Care Workforce Shortages. Austin, TX, United States .

McGoff, E., Self, P., Briley, R., & Adcock, B. (2024, June 26). Utilizing AI driven virtual patients for training health and medical students to take a patient history [Conference presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

 Self, P., McGoff, E., Carey, A., Crookston, C., Fullen, E., King, E., Naranjo, D., Finley, J., & Robinson, J. (2024, June 24). Developing a robust standardized patient hiring process [Conference presentation]. Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 
Adcock, B., & Briley, R. (2024, May 3). Utilizing virtual patients for training students to conduct patient interviews [Workshop Presentation]. Texas Educator’s Academies Collaborative for Health Professions – Southeast. Galveston, TX, United States.
Silva, G., Briley, R., Adcock, B., & Smith-Phillips, M., (2024, May 3). An artificial intelligence powered virtual teenage patient for history taking practices [Conference presentation].  Texas Educator’s Academies Collaborative for Health Professions – Southeast. Galveston, TX, United States.
McGoff, E. (2024, March). When disaster strikes…learn together to work together. Designing and implementing simulated disaster events [Webinar presentation]. Education Management Solutions (EMS) Webinar Series. Galveston, TX, United States. 
Dawlett, M., Silva, G., Briley, R., & Adcock, B. (2024, April 11). Creation of an artificial intelligence powered virtual standardized teenage patient for enhanced history taking practice during well visits [Conference presentation]. Southern Group on Education Affairs. Houston, TX, United States.  
Branch, K., & McGoff, E. (2024, April 10). Building a simulation center business plan for long-term sustainability. [Webinar presentation]. Gaumard Blog. Galveston, TX, United States.
Silva, G., Smith-Phillips, M., Dawlett, M., Briley, R., & Adcock, B. (2024, February 22). Creation of an artificial intelligence powered virtual standardized teenage patient for enhanced history taking practice during well visits [Conference presentation]. Shine Academy – 2024 Innovations in Health Science Education Conference. Austin, TX, United States.
McGoff, E. (2024, January 24). Designing and implementing a large-scale disaster day event. [Conference presentation]. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA, United States.

McGoff, E. (2024, January 24). Utilizing a hybrid simulation hospital event for enhancing collaborative care. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA, United States.

Branch, K., Collver, M., Ford, P., Rizer, T., & Starcevic, C. (2024, January 22). Utilizing immersive technology to create an alternative operating room experience for undergraduate nursing students. [Conference presentation]. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA, United States.

Branch, K. (2023, June 2). Innovative simulation methodologies in nursing education. [Radio broadcast]. The WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin, Grand Rapids, MI, United States.

Branch, K. (2023, March 15). Be bold! Innovations in nursing practice and education. [Conference presentation]. Sigma Kappa Epsilon Spring Research Event, Grand Rapids, MI, United States.

Branch, K., Rapson W. (2022, November 2). Lessons learned building a new simulation center: From vision to reality. [Conference presentation]. Association of Physical Plan Administrators Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K. Rapson, W. (2022, October 25). Lessons learned building a new simulation center: From vision to reality. [Conference presentation]. Human Patient Simulation Network Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K., Eckert, R., Ford, P., Hums, J., Pitts, R., Scalley. T. (2022, April 27). Immersive technology in training healthcare and emergency responders. [Conference presentation]. American Technical Education Association National Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Branch, K. (2021, September 29). The use of simulation methodologies in the education of health-related students in higher education. [Radio broadcast]. The WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K. (2020, September). Simulation in healthcare education post COVID-19. [Conference presentation]. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center Preconference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Bambini, D., Branch, K., Bulson, J., Cramer, T., Reinink, M., Tompkins, J. (2020, January). Partner with community agencies: Unfolding active assailant simulation. [Conference presentation]. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), San Diego, CA.

Branch, K, Bartman, C. (2019, September). Standardized patients make it real! Increasing the fidelity of simulation by incorporating standardized patients. [Conference presentation]. Spectrum Health Simulation Conference: Discover the Possibilities, Grand Rapids, MI.

Branch, K., Ludwig, D. (2017, March). Examination of an interprofessional service-learning health expo: Healthcare students and health expo attendees. [Conference presentation]. National Academies of Practices Conference, Philadelphia, PA.