Institute for Bioethics & Health Humanities Events

What Makes an Anti-Racist Feminist Bioethics?

Camisha Russell, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Oregon
Co-Editor of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Dr. Russell will discuss what would be required for feminist bioethics, and indeed all bioethics, to become anti-racist. She will discuss how bioethicists should understand race, the importance of intersectionality to feminist analyses, and some key bioethical issues for women of color. Dr. Russell will then consider the Reproductive Justice movement as exemplary of coalitional bioethical work centering the experiences of women of color to achieve justice for all and, finally, the way implicit norms of whiteness structure science, medicine and the field of bioethics itself.


Event Information

What Makes an Anti-Racist Feminist Bioethics?
, 2021 - -
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