On Dec. 1, more than 250 UTMB students gathered in the Levin Hall dining room to kick start the holiday season with the sixth annual UTMB Parents Council and Student Life Holiday BINGO Party. Tables were packed with energetic students and their loved ones all vying for one of the 60 gift cards donated by members of the UTMB Parents Council. Students also had a chance to strut their stuff in the Ugly Sweater Contest. Several students competed in this high-fashion competition, but it was first-year medical student Ryan Gates who prevailed with his Christmas tree themed sweater that lit up with the flip of a switch. The event, which began as a way to boost morale following Hurricane Ike in 2008, has become an annual family affair for the students as well as the parent volunteers.


From left to right: James Gwosdz (2nd place), Andrew DeCrescenzo (3rd place), and 1st Place Winner Ryan Gates and guest.