TV Monitors

The Provost's Office TV Monitors serve as a broadcasting tool located in highly visible areas to keep viewers informed and up-to-date on the exciting things happening within the Academic Enterprise. The content is updated at the beginning of the month and features:

  • FGP Newsletter information
  • New Providers
  • Provider reviews
  • New appointments
  • Awards & Accolades
  • Announcements and more...

TV monitor locations:

Faculty Lounge
914 Market St.,
3rd Floor, Moody Medical Library
Galveston, TX 77555

Office of the Provost
301 University Blvd.,
5.106, Administration Building
Galveston, TX 77555

Office of Faculty Affairs
102 Market St.,
5.518, William C. Levin Hall
Galveston, TX 77550

Currently Showing

Scroll through the slides below to see what is currently showing for March 2023.