Northeast Region

Anderson  Bowie  *  Camp  *  Cass  *  Cherokee  *  Delta  *  Franklin   *  Gregg  *  Harrison  *  Henderson  *  Hopkins  *  Lamar  *  Marion  *  Morris  *  Panola  *  Rains  *  Red River  *  Rusk  *  Smith  *  Titus  *  Upshur  *  Van Zandt  *  Wood

High School Pre-Health Conference at UT Tyler - For more information contact

A Team V Coalition Host - Provides ATV Safety Education (formerly the Texas Healthy Adolescent Initiative grant).

Mental Health First Aid Training - DSHS Certified CHW CEU for 8 contact hours. For more info, contact

Princeton Review – AHEC Northeast Region Partnership - Reduced grad test prep for MCAT, NCLEX-RN, DAT, and GRE courses. For more information, contact
For more information, visit Texas Area Health Education Center (AHEC) East – Northeast Region – The University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center (

Health Aging - CHW CEU (TBA).

Contact Tracing Training - (training as requested).

AHEC Connections - Virtual educational series offered bimonthly.
UT Tyler Department of Population Health and Preventative Medicine– Northeast Region AHEC

Stay tuned for updates regarding upcoming CEUs, AHEC Connections to learn more about resources and services in Northeast Texas, upcoming conferences, open CHW positions, and more by joining the  University of Texas at Tyler Health at Join Here for Upcoming Opportunities – The University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center (

More Information:

A community health worker is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has a deep understanding of the population being served. This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services, as well as improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery (American Public Health Association)

The University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center is a certified community health worker (CHW) training center that offers a CHW Certification Training Course with a rich history of successfully developing highly skilled CHWs and a robust selection of continuing education units (CEUs) for both CHWs and CHW instructors.

The upcoming 16-week Community Health Worker Training Course will begin on January 30, 2023. This is an online course that follows a set schedule with 2-3 virtual meetings throughout. Students will learn to master the 8 Core Competency Skills of a Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Certified CHW, including: communication, advocacy, interpersonal, teaching, service coordination, organizational, capacity-building, and knowledge base on specific health issues. Upon completion of the course, the newly Certified CHW will have access through the UT Tyler Health Science Center to collaborations with research projects and other CHWs across the state of Texas, apprenticeship opportunities, and CHW CEUs which are required by DSHS to maintain certification.

If you or someone you know may be interested in learning more about the CHW Training Course, please visit Community Health Worker Training Center – The University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center ( or contact us at

Pre Health Conference
AHEC Northeast (1)
Kim Pre Health Conference
NorthEast 300x420

Kim Bush


11937 U.S. Hwy. 271
Tyler, TX 75708-3154

Phone: 903/877-1437