Office of Counseling and Psychological Services

Office of Counseling and Psychological Services
Main Phone: (409) 747-9508

Nurturing People. Fostering Change.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers students the opportunity to talk privately about personal, academic, or other concerns in a safe, confidential setting. Support and consultation are also available for staff, faculty, and others who have concerns about the biopsychosocial well-being of a student.

UTMB Student Mental Health Crisis Line

Professionals Available 24/7/365

Depressed, Anxious, Suicidal?
Let Us Help!

(409) 747-HELP (4357)


Lee Hage Jamail
Student Center, 3rd Floor

301 University Blvd.
Galveston, Texas
View map.

Phone: (409) 747-9508
Fax: (409) 747-9330
Hours: Mon-Friday, 8am - 5 pm

Suicide Prevention

Information contained within this site is not intended to take the place of counseling, nor to aid in crisis or emergency.  Individuals in emergency or urgent situations should go to the nearest emergency department or  call 911.


Students experiencing an emergency should contact the Campus Police at extension (409) 772-1111 immediately or call 911.

Directions and Maps

Student Health and Counseling is on the 3rd Fl. of the Lee Hage Jamail Student Center. View map location by clicking here.

Vision, Mission, and Goal

Services exist to support student learning, personal development, and overall academic success. By coaching students how to remove psychological barriers that threaten academic achievement and personal well-being, CAPS contributes to a safe and productive campus learning environment.

Counseling provides an opportunity for students to freely explore personal problems or concerns. Students come to the center for reasons as varied as the people themselves; personal problems involving relations, emotional or social difficulties, conflicts, anxiety or depression, sexuality and orientation, concerns about academic progress or direction, and other issues.

Counseling and Psychological Services strives to be of assistance for students in their pursuit of academic, personal and career goals.

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