Evaluation: Evaluation of Technology-based Advocacy (ETA)

Increasingly new technologies are being used to reach survivors of violence. Researchers at UTMB Center for Violence Prevention partnered with The UT Austin Texas Steve Hicks School of Social Work and SAFE Alliance to conduct a formative evaluation of SAFEline, a call, chat, and text advocacy services for survivors of interpersonal violence. The evaluation describes the SAFEline model of advocacy, adaptations needed for chat- and text-based advocacy services, and barriers and recommendation for technology-based advocacy services.


Full report
FInal Report

The full ETA evaluation report is available here.

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

The executive summary is available here.

Chat and text implementation guide 
The Harris County Health and Relationship Study Brief Report
Interested in implementing chat and text services? A guide geared toward practitioners, service providers, and organization administrators that are looking to build or evaluate current chat and text advocacy services can be found here.

Logic model
Logic Model_Page_1
A logic model that outlines the goals, activities, and outcomes of SAFEline chat- and text-based advocacy can be found here.

Contact: Leila Wood, PhD, MSSW for more information.
