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In Memory of E. Burke Evans, MD

Welcome to the Dr. E. Burke Evans Memorial page. Here we have collected tributes, memories, comments and a gallery that touch on just a small part of what made Dr. Evans and important part of UTMB, Orthpaedics, and the Galveston community.

E Burke Evans


Dear UTMB Orthopedic Surgery Family and Friends,

With great sadness, I must inform you that E. Burke Evans, MD passed away on Thursday, April 12, 2012. Dr. Evans devoted over 63 years to our department, institution, and profession. In the process, he not only became a pillar within the medical school and the Galveston community, but the face of everything that is good about being a physician. He was a great leader, a compassionate caregiver, ardent scholar, and humble gentleman who was truly beloved by all…patients, colleagues, students, family, and acquaintances.

We mourn our great loss.

Ronald W. Lindsey, MD
Professor and Chair

A Message from the Interim Vice President and Dean, School of Medicine

April 12, 2012

It is with a very heavy heart that I share with you the news that longtime faculty member, Dr. E. Burke Evans, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, passed away this afternoon. Dr. Evans was holder of the E. Burke Evans Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery, and was known worldwide as an authority on cerebral palsy and on the orthopaedic management of patients with severe burns. He remained very active as a member of the faculty and as recently as last week was providing insightful advice and support.

Dr. Evans joined the UTMB faculty in 1953 and led the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery for 25 years. He was named The Ashbel Smith Professor of Surgery in 1991. Dr. Evans was honored for his distinguished career with the John P. McGovern, M.D. Award in Oslerian Medicine in recognition of his compassionate care to patients. His generosity touched many areas of the university and the Galveston community. He was honored with The E. Burke Evans Plaza on campus bearing his name, and received the 18th annual Leonora Kempner Thompson Community Enrichment Award in recognition of his extensive artistic and historic contributions to Galveston.

We will notify you as soon as we have more information we can share about funeral services. Please join me in extending our deepest sympathy to Dr. Evans' family, colleagues, and friends.


Donald S. Prough, MD

Dr. Evan's Obituary from the Galveston Daily News

Archived Comments:

(Aug 7, 2012)


What!!!!, I'm so sorry I just find out about his passing!!!. He was a great doctor!!!. I'm angry with myself for not knowing about his passing before!!. He treat my son for a very long time at the Shriners Hospitals!!, We have the pleasure to meet him, Thank you doctor!!! for everything you did!!!, you help my son walk again!!, you where very talented and compassionate!!!!. I wish I gave you a hug last time We saw you!!!!. I hope that every year we remember your passing!!!. You deserve to be remembered!!!!!!!

(June 21, 2012)



(May 17, 2012)

Linda Rounds

I first met Dr. Evans when he repaired my mother's broken hip - and then again, when he repaired her second hip fracture. He was a kind, intelligent, and caring physician to a woman he had never met before. I then was fortunate enough, as a faculty member, to be the beneficiary of his philanthropy when I was appointed as the Betty Lee Evans Distinguished Professor in Nursing. I was always so impressed by how he valued nursing and his interest in everyone he met.

(May 14, 2012)

Gordon Klein

I guess I have known Burke for about 25 years, first through my work with Dave Simmons, and then through our mutual interest in burn patients at Shriners. We always had lively discussions with Burke always acting as a gadfly. Through all these conversations it was always clear that he had an incisive mind and was always pointing out weaknesses in my hypotheses. I always had to be on my toes when discussing things with him. We also both had an interest in the arts and both of us, at least for awhile, were members of the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. This gave an added dimension to our periodic conversations, which were always lively. Finally, we both served on the Orthopaedics Research Committee, where his input always gave us a sense of perspective. I was in China when Burke passed away. I read the email from Cary Cooper in utter disbelief. I could not imagine a time when Burke would not be with us. And it does occur to me that even though he is no longer physically with us, his personna will never leave UTMB.

(May 14, 2012)

Paul Boor

When I came as a young pathologist to UTMB in '77, I was impressed with Dr. Evans' ability to cross department lines in the cause of learning and stimulating academic progress. He often used his extensive connections to bring in world class bone experts for lively and friendly exchanges of ideas. I only later came to know him as an East End neighbor, and to realize his considerable contributions to community life. He will be sorely missed at the school, and on the island.

(Apr 26, 2012)

Peter T.H. Lee

Dr. Evans and I have known each other for over thirty years, ever since I was the Administrator for the Department of Surgery in the 1980s. He was my mentor, colleague, friend, and consultant for all these years. He taught me many lessons that have benefited my career, my social life, my culinary skills, and my appreciation of arts and culture and history. His influence on me has been remarkable and sustaining, and I am forever grateful to have known him. I am honored that we have been friends for so many years.
Burke was the first who helped me to appreciate cooking. He was the first who taught me how to make salad dressing from scratch. I learned from him that food tastes better when served on heated plates. It was a joy to watch him cook in his kitchen and I learned many of my cooking skills from him.
He gave me the best professional advice that has served me very well for many years. He told me that as long as you keep in mind what the other person wants, you will do well.
Even though I have left Galveston for many years, we have managed to stay in touch and our social visits were always memorable. He was very generous in sharing his friends and I have met many fascinating and accomplished people. He was most generous with his time and professional consultation when on occasions, my elderly parents had orthopedic problems. He introduced me to several artists that I have never heard before. My small art collection was enriched by his introductions.
Burke was such a supreme person in his kindness, generosity, and smart no-nonsense approach, I often cited him as an example for me and my friends as to what we should do with a problem.
He was an Angel in my life and I will always miss him.

(Apr 22, 2012)

Pete Stasikelis

As many a former resident would say, he was our teacher, advocate, and so much more. It would be hard to imagine somebody more honest or dedicated. He shall always be my role model.

(Apr 20, 2012)

Nancy Burch - Surgical Tech

I had known Dr. Evans since I started at UTMB in 1970. Had the pleasure of working with him in the OR. Even when I retired in '07, and didn't see him as often, whenever our paths crossed, he never failed to say hello. Such a wonderful soul. I will also miss his "little white jacket" which he always wore.

(Apr 20, 2012)

Wayne Daum

Dr Evans hired me as a junior faculty fresh out of my residency. He was my surrogate father. He treated my wife and children as if they were his own family. Two favorite memories: First, Saturday morning round when the residents presenting to him were more concerned about appropriate grammar and syntax than Orthopaedics. Second, his listening to patients proclaiming a litany of complaints, mostly hypochondriacal, then his taking their hand, looking into their eyes and saying, "I understand." I wanted to be the physician that he was, but never quite made it.

(Apr 20, 2012)

Edward Sherwood

Dr. Evans was a truly great physician and human being. He made a positive impact on everyone around him and made the world a better place. I will miss him.

(Apr 19, 2012)

bernie morrrey

I share the sentiments of hundreds of orthopedic surgeons and thousands of patients as I morn the loss of this great man. He greatly influenced my career choice and was constantly supporting me as I moved through this career. His kind demeanor sometimes masked his toughness and resolve, but there was never any question of his selflessness and dedication not only to his profession, patients, and students but also to his community. To say he will be missed is a massive understatement.

(Apr 19, 2012)

Michael Valastro

Class of 1996. Like those who posted before me, I cannot give enough credit to Dr. Evans for the influence he has had on my life and career. He was an amazing man, physician, and mentor, but the most extraordinary thing about Dr. Evans was his humanity. He genuinely cared for and took an interest in all the lives of those individuals who passed through the orthopaedic program at UTMB. Personally, he made me feel like a part of his family. He was also a good friend. I will miss him a lot. Thank you Dr. Evans.

(Apr 19, 2012)

Gregory Peare class of 1994

Dr. Evans was an "extraordinary" man! He was an amazing mentor, physician, colleage and human being. I remember my interview at UTMB and was so impressed with his interest in us as individuals and for all of the resident's pictures on his office walls. He was a tremendous influence on me during residency and during my 18 years as an orthopaedist. I know he is gone, but he will always be there peeking over my shoulder. Thank you again Dr. Evans for everything you have done for me and countless others!

(Apr 17, 2012)

Bruce Watanabe

>Class of 1995

(Apr 17, 2012)


Dr Evans was a major force in my life and I credit him for much of who I am today.
I will remember him for his "swagger" (remember how he walked or sashayed through the hospital corridors?). I also remember him as a friend to all. I recall a gaggle of nurses arguing about the color of one of their dresses and they sought out our wordsmith and leader for advice. "Dr Evans, what color is this dress? The man glances over and says without a pause, "why that's taupe" and saunters off down the hall. My group of residents (95) liked to have a traditional "search for the worm" tequila party and all faculty were invited and, Dr Evans, was the only one to attend.
He even drank the obligatory shot at the front door (required for admission, although we would have waived it for the Chief). He also looked after us after we graduated. Once at Academy, he patted my expanding waistline and curtly said, "watch your weight". Dr Evans will be in my heart always.

(Apr 16, 2012)

Paul Lopez

I am very sad to here that Dr. E Burk Evans has pass on.. We were friends for 37 years, I enjoyed working for him and just totally enjoyed his friendship. Such a kind ,caring person .I will truly miss you my friend...

(Apr 15, 2012)

Skip Heath

Lumps at Boat Club 1990: The graduating residents were passing out lumps with outrageous hilarity. I was just a young first year resident, three sheets to the wind and laughing uncontrollably at the jokes the chiefs were making at the expense of the faculty when all of a sudden I realized I probably shouldn't be laughing so loudly and conspicuously. I did, after all, have to spend the next several years under their authority. At that moment I happened to look over at a man lying on the ground laughing so hard that he had tears running down his face. Of course it was Dr. Evans! He was so delightfully human! From asking the little old ladies on Saturday morning rounds what was their specialty dish when they cooked to teaching the nuances of tissue handling that we didn't get from the younger faculty, Dr. Evans epitomized the term physician. I know we are all much better humans by being woven from some of Dr. Evans' fabric! Thank you Dr. Evans.

(Apr 15, 2012)

Joy Berends, RN

What a gracious man to all - no matter their position at UTMB.

Dr. Evans will be sorely missed.

(Apr 15, 2012)

Charles Morley

Doctor Evans wryly observed during one of his extensions as department head that he was the oldest Chairman of Orthopaedics in the universe. Also, in my estimate, he was the best. After my own parents, he was the most influential force in my life. Having read the other comments, I suspect I am not unique in this feeling.

Sometimes I think my orthopaedic training was the LEAST thing I learned from him. His spirit is in my clinic everyday; his approach to life, his example of seeing the good in each person he met, his ability to find something interesting in every love thing he encountered, his absolute devotion to his university and his residents, not to mention his Renaissance Man, unpretentious knowledge: all shimmer above me, unattainable but always beckoning examples.

He'd have made fun of that last paragraph.

God I miss him.

(Apr 15, 2012)

Anil Dutta

As a Galveston product, I feel part of me is forever missing with his passing. In truth a part of him lives on in each of the many surgeons and students he has mentored. A giant in every sense of the word.

(Apr 14, 2012)

Diane Anger

I worked as a research assistant with Dr. Jason Calhoun from 1991-1994 and got to know the wonderful Dr. Burke Evans, and even though I was just a research assistant, Dr. Evans always treated me as a colleague and was a total gentlemen of rare stature. Because he was best friends with Dr. John Wallace, my personal doctor, we forged a nice bond which I will always cherish. I will never forget sitting next to him at a dinner meeting and he kept asking me about my life, what my professional and educational experiences had been and what my aspirations were in life. I truly felt that he was honestly interested in me and when you talk to people about Dr. Evans, that is usually what many folks come away with - that he really was a kind gentlemen who deeply cared for his patients, friends and colleagues. Dr. Evans was a rare gem, a man deeply private yet open and warm and very inviting, especially when having his famous house parties which were simply awesome! My friend Dr. Wallace informed me about Dr. Evans from time to time and I marveled that he was still working at Shriners Hospital, driving to Houston, supervising the renovation of his historic home after hurricane Ike and still enjoying life as he approached 90 years old. A friend of mine ran into Dr. Evans as they were walking from the grocery store a few months ago and he asked how I was doing and told my friend to say hello from to me from him. Dr. Evans then proceeded to give my friend a lovely history lesson on the homes in the historic district which she greatly appreciated and admired his depth of knowledge and enthusiasm for the history of the island and it's architecture. I believe that it sums up Dr. Evans' life as well - deeply knowledgeable about many things, enthusiasm for life and all of it's glory and his caring for everyone, even a research assistant who briefly worked at UTMB years ago. May your Rest In Peace my very dear friend and mentor, Dr. E. Burke Evans. You were a rare gem that will continue to shine through the 100s of people you taught

(Apr 14, 2012)

Robert Alexander, MD

It true is a sad day for Galveston and the UTMB community. Dr Evans was truly a leader by example. We all learned from his historic input on Saturday "B" service rounds. His humanity as well as his wry sense of humor was seen at his home, the boat club, the many sponsored events including journal club, Wednesday morning conference, etc. To me, Dr. Evans embodied the sense of family and community and the glue which held the program together. I will miss him.

(Apr 14, 2012)

Jose A. cobos MD

It is a sad day for many uf us to know of the passing of this wonderful man.
Dr. Evans was UTMB Orthopedics.
Great human being, amazing professor, teacher to many generations.
I sought his advice multiple times and he never closed his door to his residents, always happy to help. He influenced my life tremendously, and thanks to him I learn to love Orhtopedics. His clinical experience in patient assessments was out of this world, and I learned a lot from him. I was looking forward to visit with him next month, but God needed him earlier. I will always be greatful for giving me the opportunity to become a UTMB resident when the odds were not in my favor. He told me that what he looked in a resident was not how smart they were but what kind of person they were. He respected everybody's opinions and he will encourage you to follow your dreams. Rest in peace Dr. Evans, you will be missed always.

(Apr 14, 2012)

Abdul Foad, MD

Dr. Evans was the epitome of a leader and a physician. He never looked at a patient as a case, but as a human being who had an interesting personal background that we as physicians could learn from, no matter what race, color, or creed he/she was from. He was a man that led by example and to this day I use his style of interviewing a patient for the first time. I had the opportunity to visit him and reconnect with him for a weekend last April in Galveston. We enjoyed each others company and reminisced about the five years I was there (1992-97). He reminded me that we both felt the movie Pulp Fiction was one of the best movies ever as we had seen a lot of movies together. I will miss his short personal letters, but I will carry on his passion for learning. He would always tell me to "retain a high level of curiosity, looking for the next thing to criticize and write about". Thank you Dr. Evans for taking a boy from Philadelphia into your program and changing him for the better. May you rest in peace.

(Apr 14, 2012)

Tom Jackson

I was his resident from 1965-69, and on his faculty from 1978-84. He was a lot more than a mentor and role model to me. He was a friend and a lifelong inspiration. I remember the frustration of waiting for him in the clinic, knowing that he was stopping along the way to talk to lowly hospital employees, asking about their families, giving encouragement and doing all the things that were a part of his makeup. Then, when he at last showed up, he gave me and our patients the same compassionate care.

When I became a department chair and residency program director, his behind the scenes support made my successes possible. When I resigned as chairman, and made room for my successor, he told me how proud he was of me, and that was the best it ever got for me. I will miss him terribly.

(Apr 13, 2012)

Bill Alexander, MD

I will never forget those long afternoons in his private clinic, the drives to C P clinic in Richmond, the resident parties at his house, his homemade mayo and his artwork on his walls. You are not forgotten and it's been 40 years.

(Apr 13, 2012)

Martin C. Wilber, MD

Fond remembrance of joining Burke at UTMB in 1970 doubling the faculty of what was then the Division of Orthopaedics. I know how proud he was of the growth to the current Department and all the fine residents he mentored during his time. He will be missed.




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