Scholar Spotlight - Xiaoying Yu, MD, PhD

Xiaoying Yu, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Data Science at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). Before coming to UTMB, Dr. Yu worked as a biostatistician at Northwestern University and Baylor College of Medicine. She has a long history as a collaborator in HIV-related and women’s health research, with the goal of becoming a successful independent investigator and biostatistician specializing in HIV and aging research. She received her BIRCWH award in 2020 and has completed two years of training. She is continuing her specific training on HIV and aging through the NIMH-funded Sustained Training in Aging and HIV Research program at the University of California San Diego. Dr. Yu actively engages in training activities through the BIRCWH, including via the BIRCWH Scholars Innovation Program. Her current research is examining the role of sex as a biological variable among older people with HIV (PWH) using large administrative datasets, with a particular interest in assessing depression and dementia and the role of substance abuse in the treatment and outcomes among older PWH.