Blogs: Blog Post Slider

Layout Views

The widget component template

Learn how to do it:

How to

  • Add Blog widget to a page

    Within the edit view of a page, you can add the blog post widget and display blog posts.

    1. On the right side menu, click the Content tab, click the Content drop down menu and find the Blog posts widget. Click, hold and drag the Blog post widget onto the desired part of the page, and then release the blog post widget.
    screenshot of blog post widget placement on a webpage.
  • Select the blog post list template (layout)

    Within the edit view of a page, you can customize how blog posts display.

    1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
      screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
    2. Under the List settings tab, select the list template. Learn more about the available templates.
      screenshot of blog post templates

    Blog Post Slider

    • Default Title

      Default Summary with no background image and the default button shown below

      Read More


    Customize with CSS Classes.

    Learn how to do it:

    How to

    • Customize Blog slider with CSS

      Within the edit view of a blog post, CSS classes can be applied to affect the look of the individual slide, image, or content of a blog post.

      Under the Custom fields section add classes to the Blog Slide Custom CSS field. Multiple CSS classes can be added but must be separated by a space. CSS classes can be found below.

      screenshot of blog slide custom css field

      Blog slide CSS classes

      Classes with "sm" text will only affect small screens (smaller than 640px).
      Classes with "md" text will only affect medium screens (641px to 1007px).
      Classes with "lg" text will only affect large screens (1008px and larger).

      Card overlay color

      • uk-overlay-default (White transparent background)
      • uk-overlay-primary (Dark transparent background)

      Card overlay placement

      • uk-position-top
      • uk-position-left
      • uk-position-right
      • uk-position-bottom
      • uk-position-center
      • uk-position-top-left
      • uk-position-top-center
      • uk-position-top-right
      • uk-position-center-left (default)
      • uk-position-center-right
      • uk-position-bottom-left
      • uk-position-bottom-center
      • uk-position-bottom-right

      Slide Background Image Handling

      • img-fill
      • img-sm-fill
      • img-md-fill
      • img-lg-fill
      • img-contain
      • img-sm-contain
      • img-md-contain
      • img-lg-contain
      • img-cover (default)
      • img-sm-cover
      • img-md-cover
      • img-lg-cover
      • img-hide

      Content title text size, style and heading structure

      • title-h1 (default)
      • title-sm-h1
      • title-md-h1
      • title-lg-h1
      • title-h2
      • title-sm-h2
      • title-md-h2
      • title-lg-h2
      • title-h3
      • title-sm-h3
      • title-md-h3
      • title-lg-h3
      • title-h4
      • title-sm-h4
      • title-md-h4
      • title-lg-h4
      • title-h5
      • title-sm-h5
      • title-md-h5
      • title-lg-h5
      • title-h6
      • title-sm-h6
      • title-md-h6
      • title-lg-h6
      • title-hide

      Content summary text size

      • summary-large
      • summary-sm-large
      • summary-md-large
      • summary-lg-large
      • summary-medium (default)
      • summary-sm-medium
      • summary-md-medium
      • summary-lg-medium
      • summary-small
      • summary-sm-small
      • summary-md-small
      • summary-lg-small
      • summary-hide

      Content text alignment

      • text-left (default)
      • text-right
      • text-center

      Content text color options

      • content-red
      • content-gray
      • content-gray-light
      • content-white (default)
      • content-black
      • content-blue
      • content-blue-light
      • content-teal
      • content-teal-light
      • content-orange
      • content-orange-light
      • content-green
      • content-green-light
      • content-gray-1
      • content-gray-2
      • content-gray-3
      • content-gray-4
      • content-gray-5
      • content-gray-6
      • content-gray-7
      • content-gray-8
      • content-gray-9
      • content-gray-a
      • content-gray-b
      • content-gray-c
      • content-gray-d
      • content-gray-e

      Card Overlay width (%-based)

      • content-width-30
      • content-width-sm-30
      • content-width-md-30
      • content-width-lg-30
      • content-width-40
      • content-width-sm-40
      • content-width-md-40
      • content-width-lg-40
      • content-width-50 (default)
      • content-width-sm-50
      • content-width-md-50
      • content-width-lg-50
      • content-width-60
      • content-width-sm-60
      • content-width-md-60
      • content-width-lg-60
      • content-width-70
      • content-width-sm-70
      • content-width-md-70
      • content-width-lg-70
      • content-width-80
      • content-width-sm-80
      • content-width-md-80
      • content-width-lg-80
      • content-width-90
      • content-width-sm-90
      • content-width-md-90
      • content-width-lg-90
      • content-width-100
      • content-width-sm-100
      • content-width-md-100
      • content-width-lg-100

      Button text options

      • btn-read-more (default)
      • btn-read-article
      • btn-learn-more
      • btn-find-out-more
      • btn-hide

      Button color and size options

      • btn-default (default)
      • btn-red
      • btn-gray
      • btn-gray-light
      • btn-white
      • btn-black
      • btn-blue
      • btn-orange
      • btn-green
      • btn-purple
      • btn-teal
      • btn-coolgray3
      • btn-primary
      • btn-secondary
      • btn-info
      • btn-danger
      • btn-warning
      • btn-success
      • btn-large
      • btn-small
      • btn-block

      Background color + gradients

      • red-bg
      • gray-bg (default)
      • gray-light-bg
      • gray-mid-bg
      • gray-dark-bg
      • blue-bg
      • blue-light-bg
      • teal-bg
      • teal-light-bg
      • orange-bg
      • orange-light-bg
      • black-bg
      • white-bg
      • gray-1-bg
      • gray-2-bg
      • gray-3-bg
      • gray-4-bg
      • gray-5-bg
      • gray-6-bg
      • gray-7-bg
      • gray-8-bg
      • gray-9-bg
      • gray-a-bg
      • gray-b-bg
      • gray-c-bg
      • gray-d-bg
      • gray-e-bg
      • bg-gradiant (default)
      • bg-gradiant-horizontal
      • bg-gradiant-diagonal
      • bg-gradiant-bright
      • bg-gradiant-bright-horizontal
      • bg-gradiant-bright-diagonal


    Card Color:

    Examples below also use uk-position-center and btn-hide

    • No Card:

      Default setting

    • Dark Card:

      Class: uk-overlay-primary

    • Light Card:

      Class: uk-overlay-default

    All Card Overlay Classes
    DarkLightNo Card*
    uk-overlay-primaryuk-overlay-defaultNo class required

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Card Position:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryandbtn-hide

    • Bottom-Right Card:

      Class: uk-position-bottom-right

    • Top-Center Card:

      Class: uk-position-top-center

    • Left Card:

      Class: uk-position-left

    All Card Position Classes
    uk-position-top-centeruk-position-bottom-centeruk-position-center-left *uk-position-center-rightuk-position-bottom-center

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Card Width:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryanduk-position-center and btn-hide

    • 50% Card Width:

      Default Setting

    • 70% Card Width:

      Class: content-width-70

    • 100% Card Width:

      Class: content-width-100

    All Card Width Classes for Specific Screen Sizes
    PercentageAll SizesSmall,
    ≥640px wide
    ≥960px wide
    ≥1200px wide

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Background Options

    Image Options:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-centerand btn-hide

    • Cover Image:

      Default Setting

    • Contain Image:

      Class: img-contain

    • Fill Image:

      Class: img-fill

    All Image Fill Classes for Specific Screen Sizes
    Image FillAll SizesSmall,
    ≥640px wide
    ≥960px wide
    ≥1200px wide
    Fill Image*img-fillimg-sm-fillimg-md-fillimg-lg-fill
    Contain Imageimg-containimg-sm-containimg-md-containimg-lg-contain
    Cover Imageimg-coverimg-sm-coverimg-md-coverimg-lg-cover

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Background Color:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-centerand btn-hide

    • Blue Background with a Diagonal Gradiant:

      Classes: blue-bg  bg-gradiant-diagonal

    • Red Background:

      Class: red-bg

    • Teal Background:

      Class: teal-bg

    Content Options

    Title Heading:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-centerand btn-hide

    • H2 Heading:

      Class: title-h2

    • H3 Heading:

      Class: title-h3

    • H4 Heading:

      Class: title-h4

    All Title Heading Classes for Specific Screen Sizes
    HeadingAll SizesSmall,
    ≥640px wide
    ≥960px wide
    ≥1200px wide
    Hide Titletitle-hide

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Summary Font Size:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-centerand btn-hide

    • Small Summary:

      Class: summary-small

    • Medium Summary:

      Class: summary-medium

    • Large Summary:

      Class: summary-large

    All Summary Size Classes for Specific Screen Sizes
    HeadingAll SizesSmall,
    ≥640px wide
    ≥960px wide
    ≥1200px wide
    Hide Summarysummary-hide

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Button Color:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-center

    • Teal Button:

      Class: btn-teal

      Read More
    • Blue Button:

      Class: btn-blue

      Read More
    • Red Button:

      Class: btn-red

      Read More
    All Button Color Classes

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Button Size:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-center

    • Small Button:

      Class: btn-small

      Read More
    • Large Button:

      Class: btn-lg

      Read More
    • Block Button:

      Class: btn-block

      Read More
    All Button Size Classes

    Button CTA Text:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-primaryand uk-position-center

    • Read Article Button:

      Class: btn-read-article

      Read Article
    • Learn More Button:

      Class: btn-learn-more

      Learn More
    • Find Out More Button:

      Class: btn-find-out-more

      Find Out More
    All Button CTA Classes

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Content Style/Color:

    Examples below also use uk-overlay-defaultanduk-position-centerandbtn-hide

    • Center Text:

      Classes: text-center  content-black

    • Teal Text:

      Class: content-teal

    • Blue Text:

      Class: content-blue

    All Content Color Classes

    * Default setting without a class applied

    All Content Alignment Classes

    * Default setting without a class applied

    Stacking CSS Classes

    • Title Text:

      uk-overlay-default  uk-position-center-right  content-width-70  content-black  btn-hide   summary-large/code>  text-center

    • Title Text:

      uk-overlay-primary  uk-position-center  content-width-100  content-width-sm-80  content-width-md-60  btn-red   btn-learn-more text-center

      Learn More


    Create and Edit Blogs

    How to

    • Create a Blog

      Create a Blog

      1. Click the Content navigation menu item and then select Blogs

        screenshot showing blogs under blogs menu
      2. Click the Create a Blog button
        Screenshot of create a blog button
      3. Type the blog title and click the Create button
    • Create a Blog post

      After you have created a Blog, you can now create blog posts.

      Create blog posts

      1. Within the selected blog, Click the Create a post button

      2. screenshot of create a post button
      3. Add a title. This will be displayed as your blog post title
        screenshot showing title field
      4. Click in the content area. You have the option to use the formatting toolbar and/or edit the HTML by selecting the </> option on the far right of the toolbar. Type and format the content.
        screenshot showing the formatting toolbar
      5. Add a summary

      6. screenshot of blog post summary
      7. Add a featured image
        1. Under the Related Media section click the plus symbol 
        screenshot showing the plus symbol
      8. Click Upload an image from your computer or Select an image from your library
      9. Click the Publish button

      Blog post example showing featured image, blog post title, and summary:

      Blog post example showing featured image, blog post title, and summary:
    • Add Categories and Tags

      Adding categories/tags allows the user to click on a desired category/tag to filter the content on the page. It can also filter specific items to be displayed on a page. You can add multiple categories and tags to content items such as lists, blogs, events, and images.
      screenshot showing categories and tags sections

      Adding Categories

      1. Click the plus symbol under the Categories section.
      2. Begin typing a category name to choose a predefined category, select create a category* (see note below), or select show all categories to select from the category list 
        screenshot showing categories options
        *NOTE: Any new category created should be saved under the site's parent category. Email for assistance in organizing new categories.

      Adding Tags

      1. Click the plus symbol under the Tags section.
      2. Begin typing a tag name to create a new tag or select a predefined tag. You can also select Show all tags to search through the predefined tags.
        screenshot of tag selection options
    • Crediting author(s) and citing source
      1. Within the edit view of a blog post, under the Custom fields section, type in the author and/or article source information.
        • Author: Set the author's name. e.g. - John Doe
        • Article Source Name: Name of the external source where the original article was published
        • Article Source Publish Date: Date the external article was originally published
        • Article Source URL: add the website URL

      screenshot of credit source fields

    • Redirect post to another webpage

      Within the edit view of a blog or news post, you can redirect a post to another webpage. Note that any content in the content area will not display on a webpage.

      1. Under the Custom fields section, paste the URL in the Redirect URL field
        screenshot of blog post redirect field
    • Create a Blog slider

      Within the edit view of a blog post, you can add blog slider content that can be displayed on a page.

      1. Add a blog slider image
        1. Under the Related Media section click the Blog Slide Background Image plus symbol 
          screenshot of blog slide upload button
        2. Click Upload an image from your computer or Select an image from your library
      2. Add the Blog Slide Title and Blog Slide Summary.
        1. Under the Custom Fields section add the title and summary if applicable. Keep both short.
          Screenshot of blog slide title and summary fields

      Blog slide example displayed on a webpage with default settings: If no content has been added to the Blog Slider fields in the edit view of a blog post, the slider will use the blog post Title and Summary fields, have a dark gray background, the text will be white with no card background behind the text and the button will be a transparent "read more". 

      screenshot of blog slider with no background image
    • Customize Blog slider with CSS

      Within the edit view of a blog post, CSS classes can be applied to affect the look of the individual slide, image, or content of a blog post.

      Under the Custom fields section add classes to the Blog Slide Custom CSS field. Multiple CSS classes can be added but must be separated by a space. CSS classes can be found below.

      screenshot of blog slide custom css field

      Blog slide CSS classes

      Classes with "sm" text will only affect small screens (smaller than 640px).
      Classes with "md" text will only affect medium screens (641px to 1007px).
      Classes with "lg" text will only affect large screens (1008px and larger).

      Card overlay color

      • uk-overlay-default (White transparent background)
      • uk-overlay-primary (Dark transparent background)

      Card overlay placement

      • uk-position-top
      • uk-position-left
      • uk-position-right
      • uk-position-bottom
      • uk-position-center
      • uk-position-top-left
      • uk-position-top-center
      • uk-position-top-right
      • uk-position-center-left (default)
      • uk-position-center-right
      • uk-position-bottom-left
      • uk-position-bottom-center
      • uk-position-bottom-right

      Slide Background Image Handling

      • img-fill
      • img-sm-fill
      • img-md-fill
      • img-lg-fill
      • img-contain
      • img-sm-contain
      • img-md-contain
      • img-lg-contain
      • img-cover (default)
      • img-sm-cover
      • img-md-cover
      • img-lg-cover
      • img-hide

      Content title text size, style and heading structure

      • title-h1 (default)
      • title-sm-h1
      • title-md-h1
      • title-lg-h1
      • title-h2
      • title-sm-h2
      • title-md-h2
      • title-lg-h2
      • title-h3
      • title-sm-h3
      • title-md-h3
      • title-lg-h3
      • title-h4
      • title-sm-h4
      • title-md-h4
      • title-lg-h4
      • title-h5
      • title-sm-h5
      • title-md-h5
      • title-lg-h5
      • title-h6
      • title-sm-h6
      • title-md-h6
      • title-lg-h6
      • title-hide

      Content summary text size

      • summary-large
      • summary-sm-large
      • summary-md-large
      • summary-lg-large
      • summary-medium (default)
      • summary-sm-medium
      • summary-md-medium
      • summary-lg-medium
      • summary-small
      • summary-sm-small
      • summary-md-small
      • summary-lg-small
      • summary-hide

      Content text alignment

      • text-left (default)
      • text-right
      • text-center

      Content text color options

      • content-red
      • content-gray
      • content-gray-light
      • content-white (default)
      • content-black
      • content-blue
      • content-blue-light
      • content-teal
      • content-teal-light
      • content-orange
      • content-orange-light
      • content-green
      • content-green-light
      • content-gray-1
      • content-gray-2
      • content-gray-3
      • content-gray-4
      • content-gray-5
      • content-gray-6
      • content-gray-7
      • content-gray-8
      • content-gray-9
      • content-gray-a
      • content-gray-b
      • content-gray-c
      • content-gray-d
      • content-gray-e

      Card Overlay width (%-based)

      • content-width-30
      • content-width-sm-30
      • content-width-md-30
      • content-width-lg-30
      • content-width-40
      • content-width-sm-40
      • content-width-md-40
      • content-width-lg-40
      • content-width-50 (default)
      • content-width-sm-50
      • content-width-md-50
      • content-width-lg-50
      • content-width-60
      • content-width-sm-60
      • content-width-md-60
      • content-width-lg-60
      • content-width-70
      • content-width-sm-70
      • content-width-md-70
      • content-width-lg-70
      • content-width-80
      • content-width-sm-80
      • content-width-md-80
      • content-width-lg-80
      • content-width-90
      • content-width-sm-90
      • content-width-md-90
      • content-width-lg-90
      • content-width-100
      • content-width-sm-100
      • content-width-md-100
      • content-width-lg-100

      Button text options

      • btn-read-more (default)
      • btn-read-article
      • btn-learn-more
      • btn-find-out-more
      • btn-hide

      Button color and size options

      • btn-default (default)
      • btn-red
      • btn-gray
      • btn-gray-light
      • btn-white
      • btn-black
      • btn-blue
      • btn-orange
      • btn-green
      • btn-purple
      • btn-teal
      • btn-coolgray3
      • btn-primary
      • btn-secondary
      • btn-info
      • btn-danger
      • btn-warning
      • btn-success
      • btn-large
      • btn-small
      • btn-block

      Background color + gradients

      • red-bg
      • gray-bg (default)
      • gray-light-bg
      • gray-mid-bg
      • gray-dark-bg
      • blue-bg
      • blue-light-bg
      • teal-bg
      • teal-light-bg
      • orange-bg
      • orange-light-bg
      • black-bg
      • white-bg
      • gray-1-bg
      • gray-2-bg
      • gray-3-bg
      • gray-4-bg
      • gray-5-bg
      • gray-6-bg
      • gray-7-bg
      • gray-8-bg
      • gray-9-bg
      • gray-a-bg
      • gray-b-bg
      • gray-c-bg
      • gray-d-bg
      • gray-e-bg
      • bg-gradiant (default)
      • bg-gradiant-horizontal
      • bg-gradiant-diagonal
      • bg-gradiant-bright
      • bg-gradiant-bright-horizontal
      • bg-gradiant-bright-diagonal
    • Scheduling to publish and/or unpublish

      Within the edit view of a page or content item, you can schedule a post to publish and/or unpublish on a specific date.

      1. Click the ellipses button (...) on the top-right of the page. Then select Schedule publish/unpublish from the drop-down menu.
        screenshot showing the ellipses button
      2. Type or select the date and time you would like to publish the page or item. You can also type or select the date and time you would like to unpublish. Click the Save changes button when complete.
        screenshot of blog post schedule date and time selectors

    Add Blog Posts to a Page

    How to

    • Add Blog widget to a page

      Within the edit view of a page, you can add the blog post widget and display blog posts.

      1. On the right side menu, click the Content tab, click the Content drop down menu and find the Blog posts widget. Click, hold and drag the Blog post widget onto the desired part of the page, and then release the blog post widget.
      screenshot of blog post widget placement on a webpage.
    • Selecting which Blogs to display

      Within the edit view of a page, you can select which blog post(s) to display.

      1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
        screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
      2. Under the Content tab, select which blog posts to display
        • From all blogs: This is the default setting. This will display all blog posts from all blogs on the website. 
        • From selected blogs only: you can specify which blogs to display
        • From currently open blog: do not use this setting
        • Selected blog posts: you can select one or more individual blog posts to display
          screenshot of which blog posts to display section
      3. Narrow selection further
        • All published blog posts: This is the default setting. This will display all published blog posts.
        • Selection of blog posts: you can add filters for categories, tags, and/or published dates. You must add categories and/or tags to the blog posts before you can add the filter to the blog post widget.
          screenshot of narrow selection section
      4. Click the Save button when finished.
    • Set the blog post paging & limit the number of items to display

      Within the edit view of a page, you can customize how blog posts display.

      1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
        screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
      2. Under the List settings tab, select the paging and limit settings.
        • Use paging: This is the default setting with up to 20 items per page displaying. You can edit the number of items displayed.
        • Use Limit: You can limit the number of items displayed.
        • No limit and paging: Shows all published items at once. This setting is not recommended.
          screenshot of blog post limit and paging settings
    • Sort blog posts on a page

      Within the edit view of a page, you can sort blog posts with these settings:

      1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
        screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
      2. Under the List settings tab, select limit settings:
        • Last published on top: This is the default setting. Sorts the latest articles that have been published in descending order by date.
        • Last modified on top: Sorts the latest articles that have been edited and saved in descending order by date.
        • By Title (A-Z): Sorts by the title field of the blog post.
        • By Title (Z-A): Sorts by the title field of the blog post.
        • As set manually: Sorts by the the order of the blog posts in the blog. You can manually reorder blog posts.
        • As set in advanced mode: Do not use this setting
          screenshot showing sort section of blog post widget
    • Select the blog post list template (layout)

      Within the edit view of a page, you can customize how blog posts display.

      1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
        screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
      2. Under the List settings tab, select the list template. Learn more about the available templates.
        screenshot of blog post templates

      • Add CSS classes to a blog widget

        Within the edit view of a page, you can customize the style of the blog posts with pre-written CSS classes.

        1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
          screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
        2. Under the List settings tab, add CSS classes in the More options section.
          • Insert CSS classes in the CSS classes field. Multiple CSS classes can be added but must be separated by a space. View pre-written classes for each available template.
            screenshot showing blog post widget css field
      • Customize how the blog post article displays

        Within the edit view of a page, you can customize how blog post articles display and select the page that it opens in. You must create a separate page with the blog post widget on it first.

        1. After you have added the blog post widget to a page, click the Edit button on the widget
          screenshot showing edit button on blog post widget
        2. Under the Single item settings tab, select the page that the full article opens in.
          • Auto-generated page: This is the default setting and will open the article within the same page. This setting is not recommended.
          • Selected existing page: Select the article page with the blog post widget on it.
            screenshot of single item settings
        3. You can also add custom CSS classes to the article under the More options section. View the blog posts classes and examples

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