Events Calendar
Preventing Suicide Webinar
We are proud to announce a new collaboration with the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved to bring you an important webinar that is ideal for medical students and other clinicians in training. Please consider attending and/or spreading the word in your communities.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 2 pm – 3 p.m. ET.
Register here:
Simple Steps to Help Save Lives: Practical Suicide Prevention in Primary Care for Students and Newly Practicing Clinicians
Co-Hosted by the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved, American Association of Teaching Health Centers, and National AHEC Organization.
Suicide is a growing public health crisis, and medical students and other clinicians in training who will be entering the primary care space are likely to encounter patients at risk for suicide. Nearly half of individuals who end their lives by suicide visit a primary care provider in the month before their passing, making primary care visits crucial opportunities to intervene. However, all too many clinicians receive minimal, if any, training in suicide prevention during their education.
The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved has developed a new “Quick Tips” guide to help prepare clinicians in training—as well as residents and other newly practicing clinicians—with simple, practical strategies and micro-interventions that can be seamlessly incorporated into any primary care visit. Join nationally known suicide prevention expert Dr. Virna Little in exploring these quick, evidence-based strategies to help prepare students—or refresh practicing clinicians—in identifying, assessing, and intervening with patients at risk for suicide.