Rakesh Vadhera, MD, FRCA, FFARCSIProfessor, Anesthesiology and Obstetrics
Director, Obstetric Anesthesiology
Secondary Department: Obstetrics and Gynecology
John Sealy School of Medicine
Dr. Rakesh Vadhera is a Director of OB Anesthesia and Professor of the John Sealy School of Medicine in Departments of Anesthesiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology. His education background includes a Medical School graduation at age 21 from University of Delhi, with an Anesthesia Residency training in United Kingdom, and an OB Anesthesia Fellowship from Oregon Health Sciences University in United States of America; with three Board Certifications from United Kingdom, Ireland, and USA. Last sixteen of his thirty years career have been spent working with high risk pregnant patients, assure their as well as neonatal safety and Residents and Medical Student's education. His education believes are that learning and teaching, and education and wisdom are limitless. He considers patient care and education not only his Karma (action) but also his Dharma (religion).