• Medical Minute - Aortic Stenosis

    Learn more about aortic stenosis, symptoms and UTMB Health's care plan with this Medical Minute.

  • close up of a COVID-19 spike

    What to know about pregnancy and COVID-19 vaccines

    Much more is known about COVID-19 and pregnancy now that we’re a year into the pandemic. Fortunately, in the majority of cases, SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy turns out well. COVID-19 can be worsened, however, by the extra work of breathing and stress on the heart that occur with pregnancy.

  • two children wearing glasses

    Vision Care for Pediatric and Special Needs Patients

    A common saying is to “try to see the world through the eyes of a child.” Children have the amazing ability to show authenticity, vulnerability, laughter, tears, and adaptability in almost any situation. They also experience a great deal of development in both vision and cognitive skills from year to year.

  • close up of a COVID-19 spike

    Sore lymph nodes and itchy splotches — is this normal?

    We’ve received many questions from readers anxious about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Several questioned reactions they experienced after receiving their shot. I hope our responses help answer the questions you may have as well.

  • close up of a COVID-19 spike

    Here are answers to a few of your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

    We’ve received many questions from readers anxious about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Several questioned if they should be vaccinated at all while others wondered if they need to continue wearing masks once vaccinated. I hope our responses help answer the questions you may have as well.
