• Growing can be a pain

    Up to one-third of children may be diagnosed with growing pains, writes Dr. Sally Robinson in her column. While no one wants to have pain, it is a very important function of survival, she explains.

  • How Much Water is Enough?

    Water is essential for survival write Drs. David Niesel and Norbert Herzog, but how much to drink? New research shows that the old maxim of 8 glasses per day, about 2 liters, is not supported by the data and does not fit everyone everywhere, they write.

  • You are an artist

    Appreciating life as art is a healing journey filled with gratitude, writes Dr. Victor S. Sierpina in his latest column.

  • Vaccine hesitancy growing among dog owners

    Many veterinarians report that they are seeing more dog owners refusing to vaccinate their pets because of the public debate and politicization of COVID vaccines and pandemic mandate, write Drs. Megan Berman and Richard Rupp in their Vaccine Smarts column.

  • Coughing at Night: How to Stop

    “With lung infections, lying down helps the cilia [little ‘hairs’ in our lungs] to more effectively move mucus out of the lungs, and the cough reflex is our body’s attempt to get rid of the excess mucus,” explains UTMB’s Dr. Samuel Mathis in this article about nighttime coughing and how to treat it.

  • Tis the Season of Flea-Borne Typhus

    For insights into future spread of flea-borne typhus, Medpage Today turned to UTMB infectious diseases and Rickettsia expert Dr. Lucas Blanton.

  • 5 Tips to Help You Build Resilience, According to a Psychologist

    UTMB’s Dr. Jeff Temple shared tips with LiveStrong.com on how to build resilience. "Keep in mind that resilience does not mean you won't experience stress or trauma," Temple says. "It just equips you to adapt to and handle these situations more effectively."
