Caucasian boy with glasses playing basketball with younger black boy on an outdoor court in the sun with a palm tree in the background

Avoiding sports-related heat injuries

In Texas, when summer comes to a close and school begins, the heat and humidity don't magically disappear, so it's important for everyone, especially those engaging in fall semester sports to stay vigilant and mindful of how they're feeling when practicing and playing outdoors.

Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, including heat exhaustion, include nausea, fatigue, headaches and muscle cramps.

To beat the heat and help prevent heat exhaustion, UTMB Health physician Dr. Stacy Leung has the following recommendations:

  • Take breaks in the shade and AC
  • Remove heavy pads and layers when cooling off
  • Build up your endurance and tolerance for the heat by starting with shorter periods of time outdoors then gradually increase it.
  • Drink plenty of liquids
  • Replenish salts if you're sweating a lot.

For more information on health and wellness measures--including care options -- visit the UTMB Health Primary Care page.

Dr. Stacy Leung on sports-related heat injuries

View Dr. Stacy Leung's profile

Dr. Stacy Leung is a native Houstonian who has clinical interests in primary care, sports and international medicine.

UTMB Health Pediatric and Adult Primary Care, South Shore clinic
